the meeting

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Oxfordshire, England 2010 A.D

Somewhere in a girl's bedroom, the Tardis began to materialise in a lone corner. The strange wheezing of the machine woke up the girl who was sleeping quite peacefully in her bed. Trying to avoid her annoyance she sat up to find a large blue box in her room. Her first instinct was to simply throw the covers back over her head and resume her sleep.

It's only a dream, she thought, I'm going back to sleep.

Her eyes closed for a second but her curiosity got the best of her. Covers were angrily tossed off her pale legs as she got up to examine the box. Before she could even get remotely close to the box, a man stepped out. A grin plastered on his face accompanied by his floppy hair being strewn all over the place. Raising an eyebrow, the girl took in his strange yet attractive appearance, especially the red bow tie.

Unbeknownst to her, he was doing to exact same thing to her. In an effort to not get caught staring he belted, "Oh well, that's just wonderful isn't it."

Just as he began to turn back to the girl she shrieked, "What the hell are you doing in my house!"

One thought came to the Doctors mind, 'Was that a slight french accent?'

To hide his slight smile he turned back to the box giving it a quick knock. His tweed coat flowed behind him as he turned to look back at the girl, "Oh, hello there, this doesn't look like 16th century England."

"This is Oxfordshire."

His mouth forms a small 'o' shape as he continues to examine the room. Lots of blue and lots of plants. A hand his risen up to his chiselled cheek giving him a proper slap. Instinctively his hand goes up to the red mark that was beginning to form.

"And what do you think you're doing?" He asked pointing his finger in the girls freckled face.

The brunette became suddenly aware that her pyjama pants were just about to slip off her hips so she answered while adjusting them. "Getting a strange man out of my house."

Her lanky arms stretched to push him back towards the blue box. Something about the tall girl in front of him, completely and utterly captivated him. As he tried to think of a plan he started to ramble. "Nice pants, so what year is this? I'm guessing, what early two thousands or maybe nineties."

She didn't even take in his words as she tried to think of how this could possibly even be happening.

He had no right to comment on my pants.

With his eyes still trained on the waistband of her pants she stopped pushing him to the box.

"Oi! Eyes off the pants!"

His hands were tossed up as to express some form of innocence. Rubbing her eyes she still tried to comprehend some of what's happening. After taking notice of her obvious stress he offered his hand to her, "Hello, I'm the Doctor."

I know.

She re-examined her thoughts, how does she know? There is absolutely no recollection of him yet he feels as though he's vaguely familiar. Lauren's hands get caught in her wavy hair that she was obsessively combing through. The Doctor stood there scanning the room with a strange pen with a glowing green tip.

"Well that's strange anyway-" his muttering was cut short.

"Leave my house now!"

The girl stared as he didn't retreat back to the box, but moved closer her. His gentle hands placed themselves on her slender shoulders. Softening his voice he looked deep into her eyes. Her sapphire eyes pulled him in for a moment, almost shutting down every single thought he had. Those eyes, he knew them or they knew him. Snapping back into reality he adjusted his grip on her shoulders, "Hi. Listen to me just for a moment. I didn't mean to land here which I don't mean to land in most places. Just meant to take a quick trip to the moon and then 16th century England, but now I'm here. Also this would be a good time to mention that the doors on the Tardis are locked so I can't get back in."

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