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Alfava Metraxis, time idk

They were all inside the catacombs, which were so dark that everything was barely visible. A few spots were lit by the torches but that was all. The humidity was intense as random drips of water splashed around them. Lauren continued to smooth down her hair as it tried frizz from the humidity. Throughout their entire trek the Doctor had made it clear he was taking the leadership position. At this current moment he was standing around asking for a gravity globe. Once he asked Lauren and Amy just shared a small look of confusion towards each other. 

Both Lauren and Amy had both questioned River and the Doctor about where exactly they were but got ignored. River gave both the girls the answer after making them wait, "It's an Aplan moratoriums, also known as the maze of the dead."

That's certainly something.

Lauren bumped Amy's elbow, "First planet we go to and we're stuck in a maze of dead people. I think he owes us a redo."

"Agreed," the ginger said trying to look through the small light of the torches.

"So what exactly is a maze of the dead?" Lauren asked stepping closer to River.

The Doctor began "Well if you're a creature of living stone-" he took a small break to punt the grav globe into the air, "the perfect hiding place." The light of the grav globe illuminated the catacombs revealing thousands of stone statues surrounding them. The clerics began to joke but the anxiety began to overwhelm Lauren. How were they supposed to find one amongst millions? It simply be impossible or so she thought.

"A needle in a hay stack," River muttered taking in the amount of statues.

The Doctor began to ramble, "A needle that looks like hay. A hay like needle. Of death. A hay-like needle of death in a haystack of statues-"

Lauren sat her head atop his shoulder and whispered into his ear, "Too clever."

"Right. Okay. Needle in a haystack. That works," he said pointing over to River.

Father Octavian listed off commands for his clerics. Lauren joined River and Amy to examine the statues. Officially Lauren had crossed off jealously as the reason she had a knot in her stomach. It was something else, something worse. There was something close, not the angel because it was in the belly of the ship, something just in the corner of her eye.

"How do we fight it?" Octavian asked.

"We worry about fighting it after we find it," the Doctor said popping off to somewhere else.

Matching his fast pace Amy and Lauren went off after him. Once she had caught up with him Lauren began to state her claim, "So me and Ames were thinking that this shouldn't count as our first planet-"

"I agree I mean scary stone statues are not exactly fun."

The Doctor turned to both of them with a straight face, "Do you both understand how serious this is?"

Lauren bit her tongue because all she wanted to say was 'what are you going to do lecture me again, dad?'

"Yes," both girls said in unison.

The Doctor straightened his jacket and continued walking. The light of the torches reached every spot of the catacombs. As they walked into the opening they stood in awe of the illuminated statues.

The pain in Lauren's eye returned but this time when she reached to rub it a tiny bit of stone came out. She convinced herself that it had just been on her hand.

Noticing that Lauren was no longer behind her Amy whisked around, "Coming?"

"Yeah," Lauren said placing on a small smile. She shook off her hand to try and place the worry fo her eye behind her. With her long strides she caught up with Amy in no time. River soon appeared beside them.

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