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Venice, Italy 1580 A.D

Her hand instantly went to feel for his pulse. Her own heart was beating so fast that she could feel it in her finger tips. He was still breathing though, she could see his chest rise and fall.

"Is he breathing?" Amy asked through rushed breaths.

"Yeah," Lauren muttered doubling check his pulse just to soothe her anxiety.

The Doctor's eyes began to flutter open. Lauren's hand stroked the side of his pale face, "Hey, hey, look at me."

He listened to her instructions, "Hi." His weak voice sent a wave of relief through her body. Her hand was still pressed against his face and without even realising it he leaned into her touch.

The warmth and softness of her hand was snatched away. She got up from sitting beside him, "Don't ever do that to me again. You scared the hell out of me!"

"I'll try not to get electrocuted and almost die again, just for you," the Doctor said with a lopsided grin.

"Thank you," Lauren said with her usual sass.


At Guido's table Lauren apologised over and over again to Amy. "I should've gone. Now look at you, they bit you! Amy, will you ever forgive me?"

Before Lauren could continue Amy grabbed ahold of her hands, "How many times do I have to tell you it's fine. I'm fine and you know I would've argued with you about going. Okay?"

"Are you sure because now I've kissed your fiancé and let you get bit by aliens. I'm not doing a lot of good here."

"If you don't shut up I'm going to bite you," Amy argued squeezing tighter on Lauren's hands.

"Okay, okay, fine."

The Doctor entered the house from his talk with Rosanna. Lauren was surprised his ego fit in the door. Her arms crossed over her chest, "So I'm assuming your little peace making talk didn't go too well."

"No, Lauren, it didn't. Now Amy let me see your neck," he said tossing his sonic in the air. Amy pulled her hair aside to reveal the two small bite marks on her neck. He focused his sonic on the marks causing them to disappear. "You're fine, open wide," he said before popping a humbug in her mouth.

He paced around yelling before beginning to talk to himself, "I need to think. Come on. Think, think, think, think." On the final 'think' he sat down in the chair.

"If they're fish people, it explains why they hate sun," Amy said still sucking on the humbug.

The Doctor's hand covered her mouth to keep her from talking, "Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush."

"It's the school thing I don't understand," Rory said. The Doctor used his other hand to cover Rory's mouth.

Guido began to speak but the Doctor began to fuss so Rory covered Guido's mouth. Amy was about to place her hand over Lauren's mouth but the Doctor spoke up, "Not her. She can speak." Lauren nodded her head at the Doctor trying not to speak unless necessary.

"Her planet dies, so they flee through a crack in space and time and end up here. Then she closes off the city and, one by one, starts changing the people into creatures like her to start a new gene pool."

"Yeah, recreates Twilight and a new planet," Lauren interjected.

"Exactly. But then what? They come from the sea. They can't survive forever on land, so what's she going to do?"

Lauren jumped up from the table, "Flood! Fish people equals flood. In some weird alien vampire way she's going to flood Venice!"

The Doctor stood up from the table dropping his hand from Amy and Rory's mouths, "Sink Venice! She's going to sink Venice!"

the present: a doctor who fanfiction (11th doctor)Where stories live. Discover now