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Alfava Metraxis, time idk

The communicator turned back on, "We shall take her. We shall take all of you. We shall have dominion over all time and space."

He stepped back from Lauren and slumped back into the chair. Raising the communicator to his mouth he started going on again, "Oh, get a life, Bob. Oops, sorry again. You're definitely not taking her if I have anything to do with it. Also, there's definitely not enough power on this ship for all of that."

"With respect, sir, there's more power on this ship than you realise."

A screeching sound surrounded them from all sides behind the doors. "Dear God, what is it?" River yelled over the sound.

Bob continued to taunt the Doctor, "It's hard to put in your terms, Dr.Song, but I believe the angels are laughing."

Anger filled his eyes as the Doctor placed his elbows on his knees, "Laughing?"

"Because you haven't noticed. The Doctor in the Tardis hasn't noticed."

Octavian called for the Doctor but he was ignored. The Doctor stood up from the chair and began looking around, "No, there's something I've missed."

Once he turned around he saw it, the crack. He recognised it from Amy's bedroom the night they met. Lauren recognised it from her childhood bedroom and the cave. Even worse she recognised it from her dream. Standing there her legs felt like jello as she stared at it. The more she stared the more she could feel the rock crumbling under her fingers from her dream. How could it be here?

The Doctor ran to a cart to move it towards the wall, Amy followed behind him. "That's the crack in my bedroom wall from when I was a little girl."

Lauren wanted to ask him, how could it be here? Multiple places at once. It's impossible but lots of impossible things were happening to her today. She decided against it, he seemed terrified enough.

The bishop called for everyone to move out. River shouted back at the three still left in the room, "Agreed, Doctor?"

"Yeah, fine," he said stepping on top of the cart. The doors began to open as he soniced the crack.

River shouted at him again, "What are you doing."

"Right with you."

Still shouting River said, "We're not leaving without you!"

"Oh, yes you are. Bishop?"

The bishop called from the forest, "Miss Pond,"

As Amy and River ran towards the forest Lauren looked up at him, "I'm not leaving you."

"Yes you are, now go."

Against her best wishes Lauren sprinted after River and Amy into the forest.

Lauren tried to catch her breath when she finally caught up with them but she couldn't. Her breathing continued speed up. Her walking slowed until she found herself laid against a log.

"Medscanner, now," River demanded. River wrapped the medscanner around Lauren's arm to try and get her vitals. Lauren couldn't focus on anything, it was the first time all day she wasn't thinking of anything. It all just hurt. Everything was too much, the voices. Finally, her eyes opened to reveal him in front of her. He was talking about the crack but that's all she knew.

Her voice barely above a whisper Lauren asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, sweetie. You're fine," River cooed. Amy sat beside Lauren on the log and began stroking her hair.

the present: a doctor who fanfiction (11th doctor)Where stories live. Discover now