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Alfava Metraxis, time idk

Inside the tunnel, Lauren and the finally joined the rest of the group.

"You bit me!" Lauren exclaimed as the Doctor and her walked towards the rest of the group.

"Well you're alive aren't you?" He held two fingers under her jaw, "Pulse of ninety six beats per minute, which considering you're under stress is fine and considered alive."

"It still hurts and you left a mark," she pouted slightly poking her bottom lip out. His eyes ran over the small mark he had left on her wrist, which she was holding out for him to see.

He took the bitten hand to his lips placing a small kiss, "There. Better now?"

"You still bit me," she whispered. Still holding her hand the Doctor trudged over to River and Father Octavian.

Not even realising they were still holding hands the Doctor asked, "We miss anything?"

"The lights are beginning to go out and the angels are advancing," River said. Her eyes flicked down to their hands before letting out a small chuckle. The Doctor thought nothing of it but Lauren instantly dropped his hand.

"The angels are taking all the power, which means they're coming," the Doctor said going to squeeze Lauren's hand that was no longer there.

"Two more incoming, sir."

"Doctor, we can't stay here and there's no climbing equipment."

"I know, I know, just let me think."

"There's always a way out, isn't there?" Lauren said trying to keep him in a light mood.

His whisked around to her, "What did you say?"

"There's always a way out?" The sound of her voice echoed around the room.

"There's always a way out," he said with a grin.

Bob came over the communicator, "Lauren? Can I speak to Lauren, please?"

The Doctor held the communicator to his mouth, "Ah, hello angels. Need something?"

"We need to speak to Lauren, sir."

The Doctor held the communicator under his chin while trying to decide what to do. Lauren held her hand out towards him, "Let me."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Positive." The Doctor handed over the communicator to Lauren.

"Angel Bob, it's me. Do you have a problem?"

"The angels will be with you shortly, ma'am."

"Thanks for letting me know, anything else?"

"The angels were quite keen on letting you know one more thing."

"And that is?"

"I died in fear."

Lauren's face began to drop but she refused to let it show, "Sorry?"

"You and the Doctor told me my fear would keep me safe, but I died afraid, in pain and alone. You made me trust you, and when it mattered, you let me down, Lauren."

Tears steadily streamed down her face as she tried to think of something to say back. The Doctor solved her problem by grabbing the communicator from her loose hands.

Amy whispered to River, "What are they doing?"

"They're trying to make him angry, and it's working," River whispered back.

the present: a doctor who fanfiction (11th doctor)Where stories live. Discover now