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Versailles, France 1730 A.D

The warm glow of the Tardis invited Lauren in. Almost like a hug the bright orange and blue lights enveloped her. The different controls popped out to her especially the typewriter. Walking up the steps her hands gently glided on the metal rails.

The Doctor stared at her as she silently took it all in. Expecting her to say something once she approached the platform but she stayed silent. In a gentle manner Lauren rounded the console noticing the different controls. His eyes stayed planted on her and only her.

Eventually she made a full circle back to him, with her eyes still starstruck.

He raised his arms wide with a grin, "Welcome to the Tardis."

She knew exactly what to say, "It certainly is bigger on the inside."

He took her into his arms spinning her around, "I knew you would say it."

Laughs erupted from the both of them. As he sat her down she couldn't help but feel nostalgic about the machine. The same feeling she had about him.

With one final glance, the Doctor ran around the Tardis flipping the different switches and levers. "Today Lauren your wish is my command, so hold on."

She grabbed tightly on the console looking him right in the eye. The Doctor couldn't help but grin at the wonder filling her eyes. With just a little bit of commotion, the Tardis landed.

They both ran towards the doors. The grin still on his face he turned to her, "Are you ready for this?"

"So ready. Most definitely ready. So incredibly ready." She was in fact not ready.

The doors swung open to reveal Versailles. A pink hue was cast over the cream coloured building. The fountains reflected the colores of the sunset back onto the pair. The leaves of the garden glistened in the orange light.

"Welcome to 18th century France, Madame," he said offering his hand.

She took his hand with a light squeeze. The Doctor stepped out first with an eager brunette right on his heels. Lauren stood barely moving in the middle of France inspecting every thing that surrounded her. People continued to walk past not even paying attention to the box. Just as she was admiring their fancy dress, it hit her. She was still in her pyjamas.

With two quick steps Lauren was back inside the Tardis. The Doctor turned to watch the young girl smile at her surroundings but instead found her slipping back inside the Tardis.

Opening the door he began to fuss, "I give you France and you run away."

Sitting on the captains chair she turned to face him. "I'm in my jim-jams!" More specifically her ex-boyfriends plaid pants and an old shirt from football.

"There's a closet. Up the stairs and three doors to your left and then one more door to your right."

Getting up from the chair the Doctor stopped her, "Actually, I'll just walk with you."

Christ, he's so annoying.

In the front of the room was a powder blue dress, covered in lacy details. Pearls lined the sides of the corset. Golden florals expanded across the dress, it was piece of art.

The Doctor walked away allowing for Lauren to get dressed. It took at least ten minutes for her to even figure out how it worked. After about half an hour it was time for the corest to be tied, but to her dismay she couldn't reach it.


The tall man came in with his hands over his eyes. After watching him bump into a coat rack Lauren spoke up, "I'm dressed you can uncover your eyes. I just need you to do the corset."

the present: a doctor who fanfiction (11th doctor)Where stories live. Discover now