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Venice, Italy 1580 A.D

The Doctor continued to drag Lauren through alleyways, "We need to go find that man, but before that I need to ask you a question."

"No questions because I'm mad at you."

"So I've noticed," he said stopping in the middle of the alleyway.

"Why are we stopping?"

"So you can stop being mad at and we can go do what we always do."

"And what do we always do?" Lauren questioned with extra emphasis on always. Always was a strange concept, they had known each other for weeks, yet had become to feel more like forever.

"Oh you know, be clever and figure things out."

"No, that's not what we do," she said stepping towards the opening of the alley.

He gripped lightly onto her wrist causing her to turn around, "Then what do we do, Princess Teddy?"

"I figure it out then you don't listen to me and have to apologise and tell me how right I am later, also princess teddy?"

"Well would it be any fun if I listened to you?" The truth was he did listen to her, more than she would ever know. Every single word she said reverberated in his head, it would be impossible for him not to listen. He just chose not to follow what she said, even those the chances were she was right. Somehow she was always right and it killed him.

"I hate you," she said through gritted teeth. Her pale hand removed his slacked grip from her wrist. The proud smile on her face revealed how meaningless her words were.

"I hate you more," he said lacing their hands together. The man from earlier appeared causing the Doctor pull Lauren off her feet as he skipped towards the man. Hopping onto the stone steps he asked, "Who were those girls?"

The man turned around and didn't hesitate to answer, "I thought everyone knew about the Calverri school."

Lauren peeked her head around the stone column, "New in town."

The Doctor jumped off the steps to begin following the man, Lauren followed suit. He took a step closer to the man placing his hands on the man's puffy sleeves, "Parents do all sorts of things to get their children into good schools. They move house, they change religion..." He was talking through his thoughts before getting to the actual point causing Lauren to keep looking towards the inside of her wrist at her watch. His eyes focused onto the man as he got to his point, "So why are you trying to get her out?"

The man looked deep into the Doctor's eyes and kept his tone hushed so only the Doctor and Lauren could hear, "They change them. Like magic, my own daughter didn't even know me."

The Doctor slung his lanky arms around both the man and Lauren's shoulders. He has a thing with slinging his arms around people, especially when those people are Lauren. He turned to her, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"We need to meet Signora Calverri," they both said at the same time. It's quite scary how their brains can be on the exact same wavelength.


The three of them hatched a plan to get Lauren and the Doctor inside the Calverri house, so they could do their usual investigation. Guido, the man from the alleyway, would harass the guards while Lauren and the Doctor snuck past to one of the gates. And they did just that.

Lauren and the Doctor stepped on the stone ledge careful not to fall into the turquoise waters below. With a small leap the Doctor jumped to the gate opening. He offered Lauren his hand when she jumped but she refused, "I can do it myself."

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