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Somewhere in Orbit, Time Unknown

Amy, Lauren, and the Doctor, were standing at the Tardis conversing when the phone began to ring. The Doctor ran over to the phone handing it over to Lauren, "Do you want to answer it?"

"Do I?"

He scrunched up his nose, "I think you do."

Lauren let out a quiet "Hello," into the phone. The deep voice greeted her and asked for their Doctor. Trying to stay serious she asked, "I'm sorry. Who is this?" The voice claimed to be the prime minister. The brunette covered the phone, "Says it's the prime minister. How is the prime minister phoning the Tardis?"

"Which one?"

"Oh right, yeah. Which prime minister?" The man gave her a simple answer which she repeated to the Doctor, "The British one."

"Which British one?"

"Could you tell me which British one, please." Churchill. The name repeated through her head, she was on the phone with bloody Churchill. Her mouth agape she turned to the Doctor, "It's Churchill and he wants to speak with you."

He gripped the phone from her, "Thanks, Laurie. Anyways, hello dear. What's up?"

Amy turned to Lauren, "Did he just call Winston Churchill, dear?"

"I think-," midway through her sentence pain rang through Lauren's head. She wobbled a bit grabbing onto the console.

"Are you alright?"

Taking a quick breath in she stood back up, "I'm grand." Trying to shake off the dull ache in her head, she excused herself to Amy, "Gonna go change. I'll be back in a second." The Doctor was still on the phone not even noticing she had left the room.

Gripping onto the railing Lauren tried to get down the steps to her bedroom. Surviving the trek, she made it into the dimly lit room. Resting on the edge of her bed, she took in deep breaths trying to control the pain.

Not today, I have to meet Churchill.

The Doctor hung up the phone and excitedly turned to Amy, "Churchill needs our help," he noticed an absence from the room, "Where's Laurie?"

"Don't know she popped out to go change, but she was acting a bit weird."

"I'll go grab her," he said hopping down the stairs to her room. Approaching her room, he saw the door open with the tall girl sitting on the edge of her bed. Her head was resting in between her hands. "Are you ok?"

She looked up forcing a smile, "Yeah."

He offered his hand, "Alright then. I've got someone for you to meet.

Taking his large hand she said, "I'm guessing this friend might be Winston."

"You are correct."

Another way of pain hit her causing her to sway. He turned to her, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Absolutely," she lied.

She squeezed his hand to try and reassure him, but he knew something was wrong. If only she wouldn't lie to him. They made it up the stairs to Amy who was patiently waiting, "Alrighty, can we go meet him now?"

Lauren sat in the captain's chair with her eyes closed for the entire ride. This was the one time that the bright lights of the Tardis didn't help. While the Doctor was busy Amy sat beside her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a bit tired is all."

Landing the Tardis the Doctor looked to both girls, "Well come on."

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