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Paeonia, 2736

After Rory and Amy exited the Tardis, the Doctor shut and locked the door.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked leaning against the console.

The Doctor hopped up the steps to her. He licked the inside of his lips, "Figuring out what's wrong with you."

"Nothing is wrong with me."

His hands rested on the console by her sides, "You're lying and I know it. Just tell me."

"Nothing to tell. Just a tiny nightmare," she lied. Gus nightmares were more than that. They took time for her to effectively rid them from her brain for awhile.

"Nightmares don't wake you up hyperventilating, so Laurie tell me what's wrong." His face inched closer to hers, almost too close.

"Just leave it alone. I'll be fine," she said looking down to her converse-clad feet.

His hand turned her face towards him, "Teds-"

Their eyes locked. Her mouth slightly opened as the room around them seemed to fade. It was just them. Two souls locked into a moment.

His other hand shifted to the side of her waist pulling her closer. The space between them closed as she looked from his lips back to his eyes. Before he could even think his face leaned towards hers.

To his surprise his lips met her nose and not her mouth.

Apologies fell out of her mouth as she tried to escape his grasp. His face remained unmoved trying to process the past sequence of events. Both hands remained holding her close.

She wriggled out of his grasp and began to run towards the door. He grabbed her wrist causing her to turn back. For a moment his awkward personality disappeared when their eyes met again. "Just tell me, who Gus is," he breathed out.

"Doctor, I am begging you just to leave it. I'll be fine," she said tugging her wrist away from him. It wasn't a total lie, eventually she would be fine. If he would just let her forget about it.

His mouth opened once before but she stopped him again, "Please."

At the command of her soft voice he removed his grip from her wrist. The Tardis having a mind of her own, unlocked the door allowing Lauren to leave. His tall frame stood on the edge of the platform watching her leave.

Lauren stood outside the door waiting for him to come out. If anything was going to be normal again she had to make him forget about it. The "it" being their almost kiss and her nightmare.

The Doctor came out of the Tardis expecting to be greeted by nothing but the forest that surrounded him, but instead he was greeted by Lauren who had an apologetic smile on.

"Everything okay?" He asked stepping fully out of the Tardis.

She began to fidget with the palms of her hands, "Can we just forget about everything that's happened since last night? Like everything-" She cut herself off before she could began a nervous ramble.

"The nightmare?"

"And that," she said motioning to the Tardis.

It took him a moment before the events from a few minutes ago replayed in his head. "Right, yeah, yes, that. We can forget about that. That's forgettable more than forgettable actually," he rambled while copying her fidgeting hands.

To keep herself from looking at his face she turned towards the small cobblestone path, "Let's go find Amy and Rory, yeah?"

Not too many words were spoken between the pair as they walked through the beautiful forests of Paeonia. Wisteria vines hung low from the trees dotting the forests with specks of blue and purple. Pink peonies and hydrangeas littered the sides of the pathway. It truly did resemble something out of a painting.

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