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Alfava Metraxis, time idk

As the Doctor and Lauren exited the Tardis, River turned to Amy, "He never fails."

"Fails to do what?" Amy whispered back.

"Get her into things."

The Doctor and Lauren joined the pair facing the crash. Bits of debris were strewn around the rocky ground. The cold wind blew through Lauren's dark hair as she looked over the wreckage. "So, why did it crash?" Lauren asked.

The blonde turned to her, "Well don't look at me."

While the Doctor began his explanation about the crash, Amy had stopped paying attention and walked over to Lauren. "So what was that about?" She questioned.


"Oh, you know, the whole reason you disappeared."

"It was nothing. I just had to feed Fred," Lauren explained. It was a partial lie. Part of her just didn't want to tell Amy about the knot that was forming inside her stomach from just being here. It was nothing, it had to be nothing. She was just nervous, right?

River stood in front of the two girls, "Doctor, aren't you going to properly introduce me to the girls?"

Avoiding rolling his eyes the Doctor began his introduction, "Laurie, Amy, Profesor River Song."

"Oh, a professor? Spoilers."

Still keeping her gaze directed towards the Doctor, Amy asked, "How did she do the thing with the box?"

The Doctor ignored her question and instead angrily pointed towards River, "I'm not your taxi service. I'm not going to be there to catch thou every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship."

River painted on a smile, "You won't but Laurie will even if the both of you don't know it yet."

"Maybe if Laur gets over her jealously first," Amy scoffed earning glares from Lauren and the Doctor.

After talking on her communicator she whipped out a blue book and flipped through the pages, "Well we have some time, let's catch up." At this point Lauren couldn't quite tell if it was River or her anxiety that was causing her stomach to turn. All she knew was that she wanted to escape because something didn't feel right.

Lauren inched closer to the book but the Doctor threw his arm out in front of her, "Stay away from it, Amy you too."

"What is it?"

"Her diary."

"Our diary," River said motioning to her, Lauren, and the Doctor. Lauren had pretty much confirmed at this point it was River who was making her feel sick. This wasn't an unusual occurrence for Lauren, sometimes certain people made her feel quite uneasy. Her best friend, Poppy, had tried to explain that's what jealously felt like but Lauren refused to believe in such a concept. It was still quite an odd feeling though so maybe it wasn't just River.

"Her past, my future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order." The Doctor avoided Lauren's burning gaze. He knew she would have a million questions and she did but first they both had to worry about what was in that ship.

"Messy," Amy muttered under her breath.

Small dusty tornados formed in front of the group before turning into soldiers. They marched over towards River. The one who leading the charge spoke, "You promised me an army, Doctor Song."

"Actually, I promised you the equivalent. This is the Doctor and Lauren."

The Doctor gave the man a salute and nudged Lauren to do the same. Grudgingly Lauren gave the man a proper salute. The man who now identified himself as Father Octavian shook both of their hands. During the handshake the Doctor began giving the crash a good look. "Has Doctor Song explained the situation?" Octavian asked.

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