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Somewhere in orbit, Time unknown

Still half asleep Lauren reached out to pet Freddie, who was usually beside her on the pillow. With her eyes closed she stroked the cat while almost falling back asleep. There was a lack of Fred's usual purr. In a daze she looked to her side expecting to see a ginger ball of fur, but instead she was greeted by green eyes.

"Good morning," the Doctor greeted his voice still raspy from sleep.

It was in this moment that Lauren realised she still had her hands running through the Doctor's hair. Just as her eyes widened her hands retracted back towards her chest.

"I thought-"

"That I was Fred."

Lauren buried her head in the pillow before responding, "Yes. Now I'm going back to sleep and pretending this never happened."

"You know I think I deserve to be petted on occasion," the Doctor said inching closer to her.

Pulling her head up from the pillow she was met with the Doctor's face only inches away. I swear their noses might have almost touched. It only took a second of them being close for Lauren to roll off the bed as if she didn't sleep with him the entire night.

"I'm going to take a shower," she announced before walking off.

Instead of responding to her the Doctor just curled back up into the bed. Even though he wanted to go back to sleep he couldn't. Maybe it was due to the fact every time he closed his eyes all he could imagine was Lauren laying beside him running her fingers through his hair. Silent prayers ran through his head that his once in a lifetime chance would come again and he would get mistaken for a cat.

In the shower Lauren cursed herself from embarrassment. He didn't seem to mind which in her head made it even worse. Even though she thought she would die from embarrassment, part of her longed to do it again. It should've never happened. It was just an accident, right?

Slipping into a new outfit Lauren stepped out into her room shocked to find the Doctor still laying in his spot, fiddling with his watch. Her mind ran rampant with a million ways to ask him, 'is there a reason you decided to sleep with me last night?' Through some light deliberation she decided on, "How was Madame Bovary?"

"It was nice. A little boring, but your notes lightened it up a bit," he confessed while tabbing through the book.

"Mostly translations, stuff I would have said differently." It was the truth that most of her classics, especially the french classics didn't have the most entertaining tabs. Her best tabs belonged in her romance books, her secret guilty pleasure. A stack of them were currently hidden under the bed untouched due to the fact she had been running for her life most of the time. Lauren wasn't a romantic person at all, but a long time ago someone had shown her the beauty of romance books. The amount of love and fantasy encased her in a world she had never imagined to even exist. Those books reminded her what it felt like to be loved, a feeling that had began to slip through her hands over time.

"So, any other not-so-boring tales featuring Laurie's very own special tabbing system?" he asked.

Lauren broke through her daze, "Yeah, maybe, but is Amy awake yet?"

He checked his watch, "Well, we slept for about five hours so I doubt it." Amy had this thing for always sleeping at least six hours after their little adventures, on occasion it would be more like eight. Meanwhile, Lauren could hardly even reach five hours, if she was lucky. This was normal though, not something that had occurred because of the funny effects of the Tardis. She never really took the time to rest, even during sleep she was always dreaming.

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