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a/n; so i know i never do authors notes at the beginning but i'm just warning this is a heavy chapter. it's heavier than my usual stuff. there's a bit of a panic attack scene just as a warning. also just be prepped with a tissue or two, or if you're like me a whole box should work.

They all sat around the table talking about the events of the previous day or days, none of them could really keep track. All they knew is about an hour or two ago they were running for their lives in Venice and now they were sipping on tea.

Lauren sighed and sat her favourite mug on the table, the one with the forget-me-nots painted on rim. "Well our little chat has been lovely but I feel disgusting, so I will see all of you after I've taken my shower and slept."

The shower felt even more relaxing than she had expected. The scent of her vanilla wash flooded the entire bathroom. The scent alone made her want to stay in there forever. It was warm and safe, just what she needed.

Turning off the steaming water, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. Like always she slipped into her favourite pyjama pants that were at least three sizes too large and a random t-shirt. She knew or maybe even hoped that once she got out he would be sitting on her bed reading another one of her books.

There he was, sitting on her bed reading Twilight. The moment she noticed the cover her hands went to grab it. "You can't read that. How did you even find it?" She asked trying to reach for the book.

He rolled off the bed with the book in hand, "I found it under your bed. It's the book you were talking about today, right?"

"No," she said jumping onto the bed to chase him.

"You are so lying. This is the book," he giggled while holding it away from her reach. Lauren began to chase him around the room, which didn't work too well. They just continued to go in circles.

"Not the book!"

"What are the red tabs for? They just say 'hot'" Those were the tabs she placed when she found Edward being particularly 'hot'. There were a decent amount of red tabs littered throughout the book

Panting she sat on the edge of the bed with her head resting in her hands. "Fine, you win," she said leaning back on the bed.

"Well it's no fun when you give up," he said with a childish grin.

"I am beyond tired and I'm supposed to be mad at you."

He stood in front of her at the end of the bed, "Wait, why?"

"You yelled at me."

"Okay well, I had to because of Amy."

She leaned up on her elbows, "Then why didn't you just yell at Amy?"

"If I yelled at her and not you then she would've been all 'oh, so you're going to let Laurie go and not me?'"

"You could've prepared me ahead of time."

He laid down next to her, "Fine. Next I'm going to yell at Amy and include you so I don't get fussed at, I promise to inform you before I yell."

"Thank you, sir."

"Anything for you, princess Teddy."

She turned to face him, "What is it with you and princess Teddy?"

"Well, heiress Teddy just doesn't sound as good."

Her eyes widened, "You know?"

"Of course, I know. Augustine Crepeau the next heir of Crepeau vineyards. See that's a fairytale name, you and Amy both have wonderful fairytale names. Augustine, what a wonderful name." The Doctor had found this out whenever he decided to look her up the night they met. It also turns out that the vineyard owner from their trip to France was apparently her like ten times great grandfather, but he figured he wouldn't mention it.

the present: a doctor who fanfiction (11th doctor)Where stories live. Discover now