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Somewhere in space, Time unknown

Lauren woke up in a strange bed. She felt around the bed trying to remember how she ended up there. After a couple of minutes, she realised that the previous few days weren't a dream. Somehow she really did manage to kiss King Louis XV.

Finally getting up from the bed, Lauren went to the closet to find something to throw on. This time she was not getting caught in her pyjamas. After searching through the racks, she decided on simple baggy sweater with jeans. For a lucky touch, a blue corduroy jacket.

Still a bit sluggish, Lauren walked to the console to find the Doctor. There he stood twirling around the console all bright eyed and busy tailed.

Did he ever sleep?

Noticing the brunette coming up from stairs he shouted, "It's you. I was wondering when you would wake up."

"It's me. Don't know who else it would be," she said flashing a sarcastic smile.

"So where are we going today? Ah, let's see. What about New New New New York or even better we go meet Casanova? Scratch that, I owe him a chicken," he rambled running around the console.

Lauren caught up to him, "How about Oxfordshire, 2010."

That request was enough to make him stop in his tracks, "You want me to take you home?" He tried to hide the worry on his face. Had he done something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Definitely not. I just need to pick up a few things if I'm going to be staying."

A wave of relief washed over him. There was a skip in his step as he flew the Tardis back to her house. Excitement stemmed from his fingers as he flipped the levers. Lauren just sat back and watched in amazement.

With the usual wheeze the Tardis landed in the same spot it had left from. Lauren was the first to the door opening it without even checking to see if he was behind her. The doors opened to reveal Lauren's warm room just as she had left it.

Exiting the Tardis Lauren called out, "Freddie!" The ginger cat came strutting into the room. She couldn't help but to get on the floor and pet him. "Oh, I've missed you," she said scratching his ears, "Doctor, how long have we been gone?"

"About ten minutes from whenever we left," he answered glancing down at his watch.

Without even acknowledging the Doctor she continued to pet Freddie, "See it hasn't been that long, mate." She got up and walked over her closet pulling out a a blue duffle bag.  Freddie sat staring at the Doctor. 

Lauren began piling her favourite books into the bag. The Doctor looked at her with confusion, "The Tardis has a huge library any book you could ever want. Books that haven't even been thought of yet."

"While that is extremely nice, they aren't my books." She picked up a book with a million colourful tabs in it, "This book has been annotated at least twice and it has my very own tear stains. I'm not leaving my books."

"Okay, take your books and come on. We have adventures to go on that involve places made of books."

"Can you grab the cat carrier from the corner?"

"Your cat is not staying in my Tardis," he said pointing the tiny cat licking its paws.

"I would leave my books before I leave Fred."

"My Tardis is not made for cats, especially ginger ones with evil eyes."

Lauren threw her book down, "Don't say that about him. If Freddie can't go then you have to find another girl to kidnap."

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