Chapter 24

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The sun shining through the window woke me up from my glorious sleep. I opened up one eye to see Luke sleeping peacefully. His eyelashes were spanned over his cheeks and his mouth was hanging open slightly like it always does. I looked down to inspect myself and winced at the red love bites covering my skin. I shifted slightly and winced at the sharp pain my lower regions.

I had sex with Luke.

"Holy shit," I whispered to the roof, pulling my hair off of my face. I turned over to look at him again, dragging my fingers over his sculpted cheekbones.

"Hmm," He mumbled, leaning into my touch.

"Wake up," I whined.

"Shh," He hissed, wrapping an arm over my torso.

"I need to put clothes on," I said, fully aware of my pink cheeks.

"Why?" He asked in his groggy morning voice.

"Because your mother will be home soon and I would prefer her to not see me like this,"

That caught his attention.

"Good call," He said.

I watched him reach down onto his floor and spring back up with the shirt he was wearing last night before it well... came off.

"Thanks," I hissed, pulling it over my head. I grabbed my underwear off my side of the room and put those on as well.

"Can we just cuddle for a bit?" He asked with a small frown.

I nodded and rolled in to press against his side. I lifted my head onto my hand and stared down at him with loving eyes.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hi beautiful," He said, eyes fluttering closed again.

"So last night was fun," I said nervously, biting down on my bottom lip.

He nodded yes with a smirk.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

His eyes peeled open and his hand lifted to trace over my face. I watched his fingers push my hair behind my ear.

"Sore," I admitted.

"Sorry," He giggled.

"It's okay," I said, leaning down to kiss his puckered lips.

I dropped my head into the crook of his neck and let out a content sigh. I could do this all day. We cuddled in silence for minutes on end. The only thing you could hear was our mixed breathing in the tiny bedroom.

"I love you Maddie Collings," He whispered.

I hid my face to cover up the shit-eating grin that was about to make an appearance.

"I love you too Luke Hemmings," I said, planting a kiss to his collarbone.

Liz and Andrew came home just after noon. Her lovely head popped into the room and scolded us for sleeping in late. I looked up at her and smiled a huge innocent grin.

"You two need to get up," She tutted.

"It's Maddie's fault," Luke groaned.

"You know for once I actually believe you," She said.

"Fair enough," I sighed.

No Boys Allowed - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now