Chapter 2

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To say that some of the people on this show are talented is an understatement. It's mind boggling how good they are.

I spent most of the show clapping instead of making comments. Every time the spotlight was put on me I just started gushing about how much I liked them and I would get cut off by the host.

I felt really bad about squishing Luke's foot.

I tried to send him a few sneaky apology faces but I don't think he saw them... or he was ignoring me.

Either one is possible I suppose.

I drummed my fingers on the glass table while I tried to figure out a way to apologize without everyone hearing.

"Excuse me," I hissed to the crewmember behind us.

He leaned forward and pulled off one earphone.

"Would you happen to have paper on you?" I asked him. He nodded and pulled out a sheet from his clipboard.

"Here you go," He smiled.

"You're a gem, thank you."

I took my pen and started to scribble on the sheet while everyone was talking about a teenage boy up on stage.

I double-checked my spelling before sliding it to Luke across the table. He shot me a look and chuckled under his breath.

I'm sorry about your foot... don't hate me please. - Maddie.

I tried to hold in my giggles when he pulled out his pen and started to respond.

I felt like I was back in year three passing notes to my mates across the room.

He passed the paper back to me and shot me a tiny smile.

I took the pause in the show to read what it said.

It's alright... I've got another one. -Luke.

Liz caught onto what I was doing because I felt a hand on my knee. I turned to look at her with my wide bambi eyes only to get a cocked eyebrow in return. She shook her head silently and turned back around.

"Rough crowd," I hissed, sitting back in my chair.

After the first break was over all of us judges had to deliberate over who got to stay for the first day and who had to go. I rearranged the photographs we were provided with of the contestants three times with the girls while we fought over spots.

"Liz people will love her," I insisted, pointing at an edgier looking girl who sang wonderfully.

"A lot of people don't like rap Maddie," She said quietly.

"Okay but people like Iggy," I sighed.

"True," Calum popped up from the other side of the table.

"See!" I beamed. "She's just like that! This is what's cool right now, I'm telling you."

"Maddie I wouldn't exactly call you cool," Chloe frowned, patting my arm.

"Just trust me please," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright," Liz sighed, sliding her into the keeps.

I fist pumped the air and dove into the next round of names.

We had all of our choices made for the day and it was time to let the contestants know.

No Boys Allowed - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now