Part 2 || announcement

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Sunghoon's POV

I went to look for Heeseung since PDnim said he had an announcement to share with us. He said it so strictly but also happily? Whatever it was he said it was very important. I looked for Heeseung all over the building until I saw y/n come out from one of the rooms. She looked really sweaty which made me smile because that meant she practiced hard

Sunghoon: "done practicing?" She looked at me surprised

Y/N: "oh! Sunghoon ah, yeah just finished. Where'd you come from?"

Sunghoon: "oh just walking around, you better rest ok? I'll see you soon" I had to go anyway and she needed to rest

Y/N: "ok rest well Sunghoon, love you!" I chuckled

Sunghoon: "love you too" we walked passed each other and when I was about to pass the room she came from, I noticed the lights were still open. Did she forget to close them? I shook my head while slightly giggling thinking how forgetful/careless she was. Before I entered, the door opened and revealed Heeseung. A very tired Heeseung, sweat was seen leaking through his shirt and dripping from his forehead. But y/n came out from this room "were you in there with y/n?"

Heeseung: "yeah I was, I thought you guys were back in the dorm"

Sunghoon: "uhh no PDnim said he needed to tell us something important" I said but my mind was thinking why he would help y/n practice this late at night. I was thinking if he liked her but that seems too far fetched but it made sense at the same time

Heeseung: "oh ok, I'll be there in 5 I'll just wash up a bit" I nodded and watched him as he entered the bathroom. I wonder if you like y/n. I thought about it and walked back to the meeting room. I should talk to y/n.

<time skip>

Heeseung's POV

Heeseung: "hi sorry I'm late" I bowed respectfully and sat down on the empty seat across Sunghoon.

Pdnim: "it's alright Heeseung, now as you all know I have an announcement" we all focused on him ready to listen "you guys, Enhypen, will have a concert here in Korea a month from now" we all widened our eyes and looked at each other smiling brightly

Jungwon: "really?! Oh my gosh thank you sir" we all thanked him right after with giant smiles on our faces. It's like even if I tried forcing myself I just couldn't stop myself from being happy. I have to tell y/n right away. She's gonna be so excited! I better get a backstage pass for her. Oh! She can help us-

Pdnim: "Heeseung ah, are you listening?" I snapped out of my thoughts and faced everyone. They were all staring at me weirdly and worriedly. Jungwon kicked my leg under the table and that was my signal to reply

Heeseung: "oh sorry sir, I'm just a bit tired and still surprised. I'm listening" I nodded gesturing to continue. He sighed but understood. He continued discussing to us the different details and our schedule. There's no exact schedule yet but we're probably gonna be practicing for almost the whole day. He told us that he'll announce other details later on since they were still fixing it and that our manager will be the one handling us. We all exited the room and went our separate ways. Some went back to the dorm, some probably went to the lounge and who knows where. I was gonna go to y/n's dorm to tell her everything but a hand stopped me. I turned around to see Sunghoon glaring at me, but it was a calm glare.

Sunghoon: "hyung, can I talk to you?" I raised an eyebrow but followed him to a secluded area.

Heeseung: "what is it?" I didn't ask in an annoyed way but in a tone where I wanted to get it over with. I just wanted to tell-

Sunghoon: "do you have feelings for y/n?"


Sunghoon was direct and he didn't wanna waste time. Heeseung was surprised. He was cautious and curious why Sunghoon would wonder about that

Heeseung: "why? What's wrong if I do?"

Sunghoon: "nothing, aside from it being leaked to the public I want what's best for y/n" he was very weirded out by Sunghoon's behavior. Best for y/n? Does he like her too? And anyway if I did like her does he not trust me? What's his relation with y/n?

Heeseung: "I don't like her ok" he said strictly which made Sunghoon a bit more furious. He stopped him again by his shoulder before he was about to leave

Sunghoon: "are you going to her now?"

Heeseung: "yeah I'm gonna tell her about our concert"

Sunghoon: "tell her tomorrow, she's tired" the two boys glared at each other but they knew for the sake of their team and their friendship they couldn't fight.

Heeseung: "fine" he left angrily and Sunghoon watched him trailing off until he was out of his sight

Sunghoon's POV

I sighed watching him disappear. I don't even know what to do with you Heeseung hyung. I walked the opposite direction to another section of the building.

Sunghoon: "hey y/n" I peaked my head through the door and she smiled sitting up.

Y/N: "oh Sunghoon oppa, why're you here late at night?" I chuckled and went over and sat on her bed

Sunghoon: "nothing" I smiled cheerfully

Y/N: "why do you look so happy?" I giggled and laid down on her bed

Sunghoon: "can't I be happy?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes lying down beside me.

Y/N: "if someone saw you here right now we'd be in big trouble"

Sunghoon: "no ones gonna see us chill" I closed my eyes and I heard her chuckle. I stayed quiet for a while wondering if I should ask her or not. Ehhh might as well go for it. "Y/n ahh" she hummed in response and faced me "do you like Heeseung?" She seemed shocked by the question but she just looked back up at the ceiling

Y/N: "I don't know..." that's wasn't a yes or a no "anyway you better sleep you have a full day of practice tomorrow" I sat up and groaned

Sunghoon: "yeah yeah I know" I pouted and she squished my face by my cheeks with her hand.

Y/N: "stop complaining and go to bed" I rolled my eyes and sighed

Sunghoon: "fine I'm going... goodnight" I kissed her forehead and she giggled.

I exited her room and made my way to our dorm. What'll happen if Heeseung ends up liking y/n?

Sorry for the late update. I was out of town and had no wifi, but I'll start uploading everyday. Well I'll try to hehe.

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