Part 3 || training

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Heeseung's POV

After I finished everything I had to do in the morning I headed straight to y/n's practice room. She's gonna be so excited! I ran and ran almost bumping into a few people.

Heeseung: "y/n!" She got scared but then calmed down seeing me

Y/N: "why are you so hyper?" She turned off the music and approached me giggling

Heeseung: "guess what?" I bit my bottom lip trying not to smile so much.

Y/N: "what?"

Heeseung: "we're gonna have our first concert here in Korea a month from now!" She gasped and hugged me right away

Y/N: "I'm so proud of you! I knew you'd guys have one soon!" She was gonna let go of the hug but I was so happy I hugged her ever tighter and spun her around letting her legs fly "waaaah! Heeseung!" I placed her down on her feet and smiled innocently

Heeseung: "I'm so happy! You can be there watching us practice if you want!"

Y/N: "I'll definitely be there" she winked and I chuckled "we should dance to our song to celebrate" she rushed over to the iPad and played our song. This is the song that we both love. Everytime we hear this song we always think of each other with how much we jam to it. The song was At my Worst by Pink Sweat$

Heeseung: # I need somebody who can love me at my worst # I sang doing a little dance move

Y/N: # no I'm not perfect but I hope you see my worth # she sang the next line and I stretched my arms offering it and she took it. We danced in the middle of the room laughing at each other

Heeseung: # and for you girl I swear I'll do the worst # I sang looking into her eyes. We danced to the song, celebrating our first concert.

<time skip: training>

I stumbled on the ground feeling my legs tremble a bit

Jay: "hyung you ok?" He asked bending down beside me

Heeseung: "yeah I'm fine don't worry" we were practicing for drunk dazed and ever since we learned the choreography our physical self hasn't been the best

Coach: "alright guys take 10" just as he said that I stood up right away to get myself some water. 2 more hours of practice to go... I sighed thinking about it. I lifted my jug but was surprised that it was so light. I have to go fill it up again. I exited the room and headed to the water dispenser.

Heeseung: "oh y/n!" She turned around and was surprised to see me as well

Y/N: "Heeseung! Don't you have practice now?"

Heeseung: "yeah but I needed to refill my bottle" I showed her my empty jug.

Y/N: "ohhh ok, and anyway perfect timing I wanted to give you this" she showed me this bracelet. She took my arm and placed it on my right wrist

Heeseung: "what's this for?"

Y/N: "it's just something that I want you to wear when you perform" she smiled and I hugged her. My heart pounded quickly and I gulped

Heeseung: "I'm gonna make this my lucky charm" we pulled apart and she smiled a bit confused

Y/N: "why? It's just a bracelet"

Heeseung: "it's a bracelet given by you and you're my lucky charm"


Heeseung: "it's a bracelet given by you and you're my lucky charm" I blushed right away and suddenly felt light headed and a bit warm. "Thanks again y/n"

Running Back to You (HeeseungXreader)Where stories live. Discover now