Part 11 || same feelings

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Heeseung: "it's not that funny you know" we all looked at him confused. He sat up straight and placed his hands in his pockets "I'll go ahead sir, please excuse me" he stood up and exited the room quickly. We gave each other looks surprised by his actions

Pdnim: "does anyone know what that was about?"

Jungwon: "he's just having an off day sir, don't worry I'll talk to him" he answered quickly. I smiled at him, amazed at how he's such a good leader

Pdnim: "please do, and let me know how he is after"

Jungwon: "will do sir" Pdnim excused himself as well and exited the room. We all sighed and I rested my head on the table. I groaned and I felt someone's hand on my back I look to where it's coming from and I turn to see Jake

Jake: "don't worry y/n, it'll get better" I did a little groan and they all looked at me in pity.

Heeseung's POV

I walked out of there since I needed to clear my head. Why am I so bothered by this? It's not like I'm her boyfriend. I walked around the building not really going anywhere. I bumped into someone and I bowed down to apologize not looking who it was

Pdnim: "ahhh Heeseung ah" I looked up and saw Pdnim. I bowed again right away again saying sorry more properly

Heeseung: "sorry sir, I didn't see you"

Pdnim: "it's ok Heeseung, and anyway I wanted to talk to you" I pointed to myself and raised an eyebrow

Heeseung: "to me?"

Pdnim: "yes, what's been going on Heeseung? You've been distracted lately and I heard from the dance coaches you can't seem to keep up like usual. They said you'd be the last one to get the choreography down when before after Niki you got it right away" he patted my back and I looked down. Y/n has been distracting me but I can't say that.

Heeseung: "it's nothing sir, don't worry" his mouth went to a thin line and sighed

Pdnim: "if it's something personal I understand but I hope you start working harder again" I nodded, he was about to leave but I stopped him

Heeseung: "sir?" He turned back and hummed in response "will you stop these dating rumors of y/n and Sunghoon?" I instantly regretted asking that. I have nothing to do with that issue.

Pdnim: "as of now no because this could be a good way to increase your popularity as a group and y/n as well" I furrowed my eyebrows and there was something in me that wanted to just say to him to go just stop the rumors

Heeseung: "but sir won't Sunghoon and y/n get an increased number of hate?"

Pdnim: "when it gets out of hand that's when we can stop it ok? We can confirm then if they're dating or not" I widened my eyes. If it gets out to the public that Sunghoon and y/n are confirmed dating then-

Heeseung: "but sir-"

Pdnim: "I know you only care about them but trust me, trust the company ok?" He gave my shoulder a pat and walked off. I stood there with my mouth agape. I was shocked with what I just heard. It can't be! Could Sunghoon and y/n really be dating? No, cause ever since before they were always as close as us but ever since I've been ignoring her, they've gotten closer. Why is this even bothering me? Could it be that... my feelings for her are still there? If that's the case I have to talk to Sunghoon about it

<time skip>

Sunghoon's POV

Everyone's day is done and now it's our time to relax. Y/n and I had a hectic day after looking through all the comments. Y/n and I still had to practice for our next performance shows and of course we were put on stricter diets. I entered our dorm expecting everyone to be asleep already. The lights were open in the kitchen so I just thought the other members forgot to close it. I entered the kitchen and that's when I saw Heeseung hyung sitting on one of the chairs by the kitchen island.

Sunghoon: "you're still up?"

Heeseung: "I need to talk to you about something" I'm pretty sure I know what he wants or at least have a clue "we need to talk about y/n" I rolled my eyes and sat down in front of him

Sunghoon: "what do you want to talk about"

Heeseung: "it's hard to admit this but... I still like y/n" I clenched my jaw "I never stopped liking her from the day of the concert till now"

Sunghoon: "and why are you bringing this up with me?"

Heeseung: "because I want to get close with her again. I want our old relationship back" I scrunched my forehead at him

Sunghoon: "you know you can't expect her to just be ok after you ignored her and got mad at her. She's not a toy for you to play with"

Heeseung: "of course not! I know that! It's just-" he exhaled calming himself down "I just want us to be like we used to be. I want to tell her what I feel, is that so wrong?"

Sunghoon: "I'm just warning you hyung, you can't expect her to just pretend like nothing happened. You don't know what she's been through!"

Heeseung: "you don't know as well!" He answered me back right away and raised his voice at me but not loud enough to wake the others. "You also don't know how she feels so please just help me..." he looked at me with begging eyes until he seemed to realize something and changed his expression. He backed away and sat up straight from his seat "unless you're not helping me because..." I shifted my head towards him. Is he implying that- "because you like her too?"

Sunghoon: "what if I did?"

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