Part 8 || coming back

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<time skip a month and a half>

Y/n is already in Korea ready to debut as the next HYBE solo artist. This is the day when it'll be announced to the public who'll debut. She was nervous yet excited. She hasn't seen Enhypen at all since it was all training and medicines. Although she doesn't need full on help she's still recovering and gaining back her strength. Anytime that she sees she's free to go see Enhypen, she feels tired and worn out to see them. They were in the opposite side of the building on a completely different floor. Sunghoon knows she's back and in the same building but due to Enhypen's busy schedule they didn't have much free time as well. Heeseung grew resentful towards y/n. He couldn't believe how he trusted someone like her. They warm up to you and then leave you in a second. He danced after hours distracting himself from you. He'd dance until 3 in the morning for the whole year. The others grew worried especially Sunghoon. He felt guilty since he knew what was going on with y/n but he couldn't tell that to Heeseung.

Pdnim: "please gather Enhypen in the briefing room at 2:00" he informed their manager. They have already posted the announcement that it'll be y/n debuting. The responses were incredible. People were more supportive than everyone thought and they were excited to see her first performance. Pdnim has to call in Enhypen for a special unknown announcement.

Manager: "y/n, you need to be in the briefing room at 2:00 ok?" Her manager told her. She paused the music and wiped her forehead with a towel

Y/N: "ok sir, I'll be there" she checked the clock and she still had 40mins. She packed her things and showered. She couldn't go meet Pdnim unprofessionally dressed.

Manager: "Jungwon ah, please tell your members to be in the briefing room at 2:00" (y/n and Enhypen have different managers) Jungwon who was excused nodded and headed back to his other friends. He informed his members and they all decided to start dressing up for the meeting

- 1:58pm -

Pdnim: "ahhh I'm glad you came on time, please take a seat" Enhypen took their seats and attentively waited for Pdnim's words

Pdnim: "as you know we are debuting a female solo artist. We have already announced it to the public who it is." The members looked at each other giving different looks

Jay: "that's great right sir"

Pdnim: "yes it's good and the response has been amazing"

Heeseung: "so why did you call us sir?" Just as he was about to response the door opened which made the members turn their heads

Y/N: "sorry I'm late-" she froze once she saw Enhypen. She immediately made eye contact with Heeseung who he himself felt a wave of shock. Both their hearts started beating quickly. Their stomachs felt sick like it had a circus and all the animals started going crazy running around their whole body. They stared at each other for a while surprised to see the other. Heeseung and y/n had an unknown look on their faces while the rest were surprised. They knew what Heeseung was going through ever since she disappeared. They knew the tension around them. The atmosphere got heavy really fast.

Pdnim: "ahh y/n! Just in time" Pdnim broke the tension he didn't feel since he doesn't know about what happened between them. Y/n past Heeseung and made eye contact with Sunghoon. They gave each other looks that cried for help or was just in confusion. Y/n sat apart from Heeseung, "the reason why I called you," he continued which made everyone focus their attention to him "was to tell you that y/n will be the female artist that will be debuting" Heeseung dropped his jaw with a gap of 1 cm. He faced y/n and y/n faced Heeseung. They were sad yet happy to see each other. Y/n and Heeseung felt like crying on the spot. Heeseung thought if he ever saw y/n again, he'd ignore her and be angry but seeing her in reality brought back old memories and feelings.

Jake: "c-congratulations y/n..." he chuckled nervously feeling the tension between them. She finally reached her dream. They both did but not in the way they thought. Heeseung was right when he said she'd debut as a solo artist. Y/n wanted to apologize to Heeseung already, she wanted to talk things out but not just yet.

Pdnim: "the response has been amazing but there are a lot of comments wanting an Enhypen and y/n collaboration since you guys are the same age" they all shifted their attention to him surprised. It was surprising since fans were very protective when male and female idols interact with one another "since a few people might be against this we were thinking that y/n could collab with 1 person for her side track. You know just to see the responses, if it gets out of hand then we don't have to collab the whole group" 1 person only? They all wondered who Pdnim would pair her up with "I'm leaving that up to y/n's decision to choose"

She stiffened, it's like picking her favorite out of her friends. Enhypen expected her to choose Heeseung or Sunghoon. They thought that it'd be Heeseung. Even if they weren't on good terms they still felt like she'd choose him. Heeseung thought she'd choose him too. He knew that they had this weird vibe with each other but their connection from before was still there. Heeseung looked down not meeting anyone's eyes. He wanted to know already who she'd choose. He didn't wanna admit it but he knew to himself in the back of his head he still cared and liked y/n. Everyone already expects her to say Heeseung, it was a sure thing. They knew this was a perfect chance for them to talk.

Pdnim: "who will you choose y/n?"

Y/N: "I'll choose..." they all shifted their attention to her except Heeseung and Sunghoon. Everyone already knew it was Heeseung all she had to do was say it

"I choose... Sunghoon"

Running Back to You (HeeseungXreader)Where stories live. Discover now