Part 17 || epilogue

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<time skip 1 and a half years later>


It's been a long long time since then and I'm fully recovered. No more masks, no more medicine.


Jungwon: "AND THANK YOU ENGENES!" We both shouted into our mics making our voices echo throughout the whole stadium. The fans cheered for us loudly and we all started tearing up so overwhelmed with the support. I could literally feel their cheers through my whole body, it was so surreal. I covered my mouth and cried a bit. I then felt 2 hands on my shoulders and I look behind me and see Sunghoon comforting me. I chuckled and carefully wiped away my tears hoping not to ruin my makeup.

It was my first ever concert and Enhypen were the guest performers. I've had multiple comebacks so there were a lot of songs to practice. I performed to all of them and also my song with Sunghoon and my other collab with Heeseung. In my first comeback I had a song featuring everyone in Enhypen so it was great practicing and performing with them. That song was my last performance which is why they're with me right now. I look at Heeseung and he gave me a warm smile with a reassuring nod. I guess it's time...

Y/N: "thank you again everyone, really, I can't express how overwhelmed I am." The crowd cheered again and I chuckled wiping a tear. "I actually wanted to announce something tonight," I wasn't worried about this since I was able to get pdnim's approval. "So this might come as a shock but..." I looked back and Heeseung walked up beside me and we intertwined our hands together

Heeseung: "y/n and I are dating" the crowd has never cheered louder. It was so loud we all had to remove our ear pieces since our mics were picking up their cheers. Everyone looked happy, they all look so excited for us which gave me a big relief. If we got hate because of this, I was worried it was gonna come between us. "I hope you support us because I really do love y/n and I hope F/n's and Engenes will respect our relationship"

Y/N: "yes, please do because I really do love Heeseung" I looked up at him and he looked down on me. We both smiled at each other and everyone started cheering our ship name. We both blushed and the other members were laughing. We looked at each other just happy to be together

Fan: "JUST KISS ALREADY!" We turned to the fan who shouted from the front row standing area. Everyone laughed at the sudden command. Heeseung and I looked at each other and the crowds started chanting to kiss. We blushed hard and I looked away but Heeseung pulled me in by my waist and kissed me holding my jaw and his fingers around my ear. He held the back of my neck with a slight grip and he deepened the kiss which made me tilt my head a bit up since he was taller than me. The fans cheered loudly and he moved his lips across mine. We both smiled in between the kiss.

Jay: "Yahhhh! Niki's here!" We pulled apart and turn around to see Jake covering Niki's eyes while Jay had a scolding face at us. The crowd laughed and we did as well

<time skip>

We all had a break and we met up in my house. I prepared dinner with the help of Jay and served them to the others.

Sunoo: "you know" he started and we looked at him "I would've never guessed Sunghoon and y/n were cousins"

Jungwon: "same here, I just thought they were really close" Sunghoon stepped on my foot and I stepped on his back harder until the table moved

Niki: "yah! My water almost spilled" we playfully glared at each other and Heeseung wrapped his arm around me.

Heeseung: "you're so cute when you're annoyed" I raised an eyebrow at him

Jake: "but we all predicted y/n and Heeseung were gonna date eventually right?" Everyone agreed instantly.

Sunghoon: "remember when Heeseung thought we were dating" he told me and we all laughed

Heeseung: "yah! I heard you guys kiss! What else was I supposed to think"

Y/N: "you heard but didn't see. I kissed him on the cheek, I always do that. Sunghoon never liked physical affection so I always try hugging or kissing him as a way to tease"

Heeseung: "yeah I know, you told me" I chuckled and ruffled his hair

<time skip>

The others left and it was only Heeseung and I. But... Heeseung was so tired he's knocked out on the couch. I chuckled to myself and grabbed a blanket for him. I tossed it over him and laid it so he'd stay warm. I played with his hair admiring him. I felt myself tearing up thinking how lucky I was to have him. I can't ever imagine losing him or my life without him. I sighed just so thankful he's here with me. I stopped and stood up ready for bed but a hand stopped me and pulled me down

Heeseung: "why'd you stop? I like you playing with my hair" I chuckled and he opened the blanket for me to lay against his chest. I laid down in front of him and he covered both of us in the blanket. I turned around so our faces were 2 inches apart. I lifted my arm and continued playing with his hair "don't ever stop ok? Keep playing with my hair"

Y/N: "Hee I have to sleep too you know"

Heeseung: "when I said 'don't ever stop' I meant don't ever leave me and don't ever ever forget me cause I want you to stay with me and keep playing with my hair to help me fall asleep until we grow old together" I bit the inside of my bottom lip. I hugged him tightly and buried my head on his chest

Y/N: "you have to do the same ok? Don't ever stop cuddling with me and don't ever leave me" a tear fell which absorbed into his shirt.

Heeseung: "look at me" I look at him my eye slightly red "I'll never ever leave you, the day I leave you will be the day I die and even then I'll always be with you, not physically but I'm still here" he pointed to my heart and I held his cheeks

Y/N: "I love you so much Lee Heeseung"

Heeseung: "I love love love love you y/n. And I'll never ever stop loving you till my last breathe"

From beings friends to spending everyday together. To my lung condition which prevented me from so many things even the most basic thing like breathing properly. I was able to end up just where I wanted to be.

"After everything, it felt like I'm finally able to catch my breathe after Running Back to You"

I can't believe this story is done. It was a simple thing I made up and I'm actually surprised some ppl actu read it HAHAHHAA. Anyway please check out my other books as well and thank you for supporting me. Go check out my tiktok @heedeungie_engene since I'm more active there!!

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