21 - Genesis

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Peyton's POV

I don't know what to expect.

I can feel the piece of paper in my hand and I'm nervous as to what I'm about to read.


I miss you more than you can imagine, i thought I'd never hear from you again. Until you started giving me signs. I won't imagine a life without you because I'm going to get you back and we're going to make it together. I can't wait to hold you, I can't wait until this is all just a nightmare from the past. Don't give up hope pey someday soon.
Until we meet again, I love you .

I fold it back and hold it to my heart.

I need to get out of here.

I deserve better than this and I should be with Bryson. I need a plan we're no one gets hurt, only what they deserve.

From what I heard Jeds next out is in 2 days, it gives me 1 day to plan something good. I just hope it all goes according to plan.

If it doesn't I might never get to see Bryson or anyone ever again.


It's a short one! So sorry next one will be good!

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