12 - We All Knew

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Bryson's POV

I was frozen staring at Carter as Zoe began to walk towards me, I tried my best to stop my tears but everything failed me.

I kneeled down so I was about the same height as Zoe she lifted her arm up not knowing what she was going to do I just allowed her to do whatever it was she had in mind.

I felt her fingers wipe away my tears, my heart felt so full yet everything in me knew I didn't deserve any of this.

"It's okay Daddy" Zoe spoke she turned to Carter "Momma can I show daddy my room pleaseee"

"Yeah sure" Carter responded.

"Come on!" She said pulling me.

I followed her and when we reached her room she ran towards a Stuffed bear and brought it to me.

"I hug this bear when I'm sad" she said looking at it "here maybe it'll help you" she hands me the bear. I gave her that bear but nobody but Jasper knows. The fact that she loves it makes me so happy.

"Thank you" I say I kneel down again.

"I've missed you" she says with a frown.

I open my arms and she walks in them as I hug her.

"I've missed you too so so much"

She starts to sniffle and I realize she crying, I look down and at her "Hey Zoe it's okay"

"Wh- why didn't you come back then" she says.

"Daddy made some bad choices that he'll forever regret" I say looking at her.

"But bad choices can be changed right? You'll be here now right?"

"I'm momma lets me" I say she smiles "Can I have another hug?" I ask and she giggles and runs to my arms.

I don't deserve this happiness I'm feeling right now while I'm holding my Zoe but Part of me doesn't care because this is all I've wanted for so long.

I let go of her and she looks behind me, I turn around to see Carter with Olly.

"Momma, Daddy can stay right? PLEASEEE" Zoe says.

Carter looks at me then back to Zo "Sure baby" Carter walks in with Olly then closes the door behind her.

I'm still kneeling down and Olly walks towards me and hugs me. I hug him back and tears again fill my eyes. He lets go and looks at me "I look like you" i chuckle.

"You do, I'm so sorry" I try to lighten the mood and it seems to work.

"Were handsome don't worry dad" he smiles.

"Why don't you guys go get your stuff really quick then we can all talk" Carter says and the kids quickly listen and walk out.

She comes and sits by me and looks at me "It's been awhile huh?"

"I'm so sorry" I say.

"Why? Why'd you go"

"I didn't feel like I deserved to be part of you and the twins life" "I just i was a mess, I still am and I let it all get to me"

I look at her "I know that I don't deserve to just walk in and take that father role after I walked out, and I completely understand if you don't want me around"
"I've beat myself up for it for so long but i deserve it"

"I think what you did was selfish and I was so hurt by it all but it's not my place to tell you if you can see your kids, they want you around and I could tell just by watching you interact with them for this little time that you want them around you" "You've suffered enough Bry we all make mistakes, this is your second chance make it a better one"

I close my eyes trying to stop my tears as I wiped them off.

"I'll do better, thank you" I say

"Come here" she says opening her arms.

I walk towards her and hug her she sniffles "I missed you bry" I hug her even more "I missed you too pretty girl"


Ah here it is part 2!
Hope y'all like it brb I'm crying.

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