6 - Listen Before I Go

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Peyton's POV*

I take a deep breath before I open my eyes only to remember what had happened, my body and everything in me begins to panic as it replayed in my head. I left everything behind and I told no one we're I'd go, i worried for Sky hopefully I'd get to see her at some point I began to get sad because I knew it wouldn't be soon.

I didn't want to be seen or found Jed knew everyone so the best thing for me right now is to stay hidden. Maybe he'd forget about me or think I was dead it's what he had wanted either way. He always told me I didn't deserve to be alive and how I was a waste of space I'd learn to believe it by now.

I could feel Bryson next to me, I turn to see him asleep he looks so peaceful. I don't know we're id be right now if I hadn't met him, he's been an angel sent from heaven not to sound dramatic but if anyone knew my life they would agree.

I walk to the restroom and remove my sweatshirt to reveal all my bruises that had been added to my body, I stare at all of them for awhile feeling anger and terror. I let out an involuntary loud sob which became more frequent as the seconds went by.

My legs began to feel weak and I couldn't stand anymore I kneeled down trying to hug my sweatshirt as close as I could seconds later Bryson walks in looking worried as he kneels down next to me. He looks at me asking for permission to touch me and I just get closer and he holds me.

"I let him do this to me for years... i thought it was okay, i loved him I thought that things would change.. he'd tell me I deserved all the hits he gave me and I began to believe him trough out the years" I let out a sob "now that I see it all clearly all I feel is fear and anger, how could I allow this to happen to me"

He rubs my back gently "love made you not see the wrong he was doing, it made you justify everything he did"

"I'm so stupid" I say

"You aren't tho Peyton, no one could ever know what you saw or felt in those times and even when to you it feels stupid, in those moments you were trying to protect him even when he was in the wrong" he looks at me "you are the kindest person I've ever met and I know you're scared but I'll do anything to make you feel safe and even if I fail because I know that I can't change anything that happened I will always try"

You know when all you feel is pain and something happens and a part of you doesn't hurt as much, that's how I felt at this moment he always knew how to do that.

Their was still a weight on my chest but it wasn't the only feeling for once.

"Bryson" I say looking at him after awhile "I know it's so much to ask for but can I stay here for awhile, I just can't be out and seen and I have no where else to go"

"Of course you can" he says helping me up. "Why don't you take a shower and relax I'll get you some of my clothes" he says giving me a small smile.

"Thank you" I say returning the smile as he walks out of the restroom leaving me to do my thing.

I started the shower and let the warm water relax my tense body it helped a lot. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door so I poked my head out of the shower curtains to see Bryson with clothes.

"Hi I was just bringing this here" he says gesturing to the clothes in his hands.

"Thank you" I say as he puts the clothes down on the bathroom counter.

"I'm going to head out really quick I gotta go pick some things up, when your out you can explore the place and make yourself at home I won't be out long" he says.

I just give him a smile and say thank you again and he leaves me again.

I've been slacking but I finally was able to get back to writing hope y'all like it.
Comment and vote! -Janie

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