19 - Already Gone

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Peyton's POV

"Please stop, PLEASE!!!" I scream as I'm on the ground. Jed hovering above me throwing punches at me because I accidentally spilled his beer. He was already at his 3rd pack of 12 beers, and although that is no excuse I couldn't really do anything anymore. It sounds so stupid of me to come back to this because it was but I didn't do it because I wanted to, I did this because their was no other choice.

He has always been able to track me down and that is exactly what he did, he found me and it was a matter of time before he did something against the innocent bi standards that we're Bryson's friends who were nothing but amazing to me. I didn't leave because of only the fear of thinking, but when he did find me an anonymous number sent me a message saying that if I didn't leave id face the consequences of potentially being the reason as to why Bryson would lose his whole family again.

He wasn't bluffing when he sent pictures of Bryson, Carter, and the twins all together outside their home. That's when I knew that I couldn't be here anymore. Id rather sacrifice myself than to see the one I love suffer for my selfish being. I could of called the cops when this all happened I could do it at any moment if I tried but you will never understand the mind of someone whos been tortured the way I have, you don't understand the fear that my heart and my mind feels.

Its the easy way out and it would be the best way out but I reacted with fear and now I live those consequences.


I have to do this quick and I can't make it obvious, I was out with Jed while he was Dealing at 2 in the morning, I begged so much for this since I hadn't really seen the world since I had returned with him, while he was looking away I set the Chapstick that I knew if Bryson saw he would recognize. Before setting it down I prayed that he would be the one to find it. When I was done I walked back a few steps to were I was close but not in his space. I would never hear or feel the end of it if I overstepped my boundaries with him.




Its been 4 weeks, since I left that Chapstick and I wish I knew if he did find it or if a random person had come across it first. I took a long shot leaving it and I hated that it was my only resort at this point.

I was siting in the separate room that I had here, tears in my eyes I stand and reach under my pillow picking up the one thing that holds all my hope and love.

The tiny Giraffe that Bryson gave me, I hugged it wishing it was actually him and remembering how I felt the day he gave it to me. It was one of the best moments for me, how a little toy giraffe could make me so joyful and feel so cared for. Its sad but when your broken and unaware of those kinds of feelings the tiny little things just feel so much more to you.

I love Byson more than I should but what is the point of holding on to this love when I could potentially never see him again.

I want him to find that love that I feel for him even if its not me, I pray each day that it will be but believing it is like believing that all my fears would go away.

Never going to happen.



It felt like I speeded to my house, letting Carter know what I had found and how much finding it relieved me.


I stood in the restroom crying as I held the Chapstick in my hand imagining what it would be like if she were here, how badly my body wanted to feel her warmth in my arms knowing she was safe.

All I could do was daydream of the day.



4 weeks, its been 4 weeks since the last spark of hope filled me.

No luck day after day again. I laid in my bed drifting to sleep after another day,

I opened the door, I don't really know we're I am and I wish I did. I search around trying to find a clue but I never did, I just kept walking. I felt my body freeze at her sight, she was here but she was dead. I tried to scream but no sound left my mouth, I ran to her but I never was able to touch her.

I opened my eyes seeing carter right there in front of me worried, I was covered in sweat and my heart was racing It felt like I couldn't breathe but I couldn't stop breathing so rapidly. I let out a sob as everything replayed as I explained everything to her.

It felt like forever until I was back to normal, Carter got me water and talked to me about different things to help me get my mind to a different place.

Taking a deep breath I get up and walk outside it was about 3 in the morning and I was wide awake, It was peaceful outside everything was so calm. I went back inside and grabbed my keys wanting to be back at that park.

Not many cars driving along the road as I was crazy and driving to a park at 3 in the morning. I parked and walked along the sidewalk looking out at everything in front of me. Seeing sketchy people I walk the other way not wanting any trouble. I walk to were I found the Chapstick wanting to find something else and I did.

The Giraffe



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