13 - No Time To Die

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"Is that pretty girl your girlfriend daddy?" Zoe asked.

I chuckled "No she's just a really good friend"

She looks at me confused "but momma has Elijah and he's Beautiful and she's so BEAUTIFUL so she should be with you!" I can feel my face get red.

"Baby that's not really how it works" Carter says.

"It should be" Zoe answers while making the cutest face.

"Can we meet her!" Olly speaks up.

I look at all of their faces before standing up "Let me go get her" I say as I walk out.

I spot her talking to Skylar and I feel relief knowing she wasn't sitting alone while I was over there.

"Hey wanna come with me real quick?" I ask her, she looks as Skylar who gives her an encouraging smile before she gets up "Yeah Sure"

When we reach the little hallway I turn to her "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone everything is just happening so fast and I-" I'm cut off guard as she hugs me.

I feel myself calming down and taking a deep breath.

"Don't apologize Bryson, this is a special moment for you plus Skylar and I got along really well and she kept me company".

"Thank you for everything" I say.

"No problem, so what's up?" She asks

"They want to meet you, it's okay if you don-"

"Bryson id love to!" I smile again and begin to lead her to the twins room.

When we walk in and sit were I was before leaving Zoe and Olly immediately sit next to Carter looking ready to say so much.

"I think your really beautiful" Zoe says while admiring Peyton, and if I'm honest I wish I could frame this moment because all of this is just such a dream and knowing that my kids really like Peyton is just a huge bonus.

"Thank you, you are so beautiful as well!" Peyton says as Zoes face lights up with joy.

"How do you know my dad?" Olly asks.

I look at Peyton and she smiles "Well we met at a park while we were both walking, your dad was really nice and we became really close friends because of it" she says. She spoke to them so gently which made their attention go to her at all times.

Later that night***

As we began getting ready to leave Zoe and Olly asked me to join them tomorrow as they all went out to shop. We agreed to meet them there tomorrow and said our goodbyes as I hugged my twins and kissed their heads.

When we reached our room all of a sudden I got hit with everything that happened in just the past 24 hours and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as a sob escaped me. I sat on the bed and tears streamed down my face.

"Hey, Bryson it's okay" Peyton spoke coming to me and embracing me in a hug.

"I know that everything seems so new and even tough you really wanted it to happen, and it did, it's still all new to you and it's okay to break down. These are good moments Bryson embrace them life is giving you this, take it and let yourself be happy"
"You deserve it after everything you've been trough and I'm so happy it's finally happening for you". She says holding my face as she whipped my tears.

I looked into her eyes as she did the same i slowly raised my hand to place is on her cheek "I can't ever finish thanking you for everything, I don't know how I would be right now If you weren't here"

I felt like by the second we both leaned in closer and closer until our lips met and everything felt complete. It felt like I was Home as we kissed and we held each other everything in me didn't want this to end but at some point it had to.

When we parted she rested her head on mine and we just let it be silent for awhile the only thing heard was our breathing coming back to normal. I took her hand in mine and looked back into her eyes "Im falling in love you" I whispered.

A tear fell from her eye, she rested her head back on mine and closed her eyes after a few seconds she looks back into my eyes "I'm falling in love with you too" she whispered as well.

Late by a couple of hours IM SORRY! but here it is.
I hope y'all like it. COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE- Janie. Also take care of yourselves and be safe!

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