5 - Heartbreak Warfare

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I had gotten the cutest picture of the twins from jasper today. So my morning was already great, now I was on my way to see Peyton at the park to make it even better. An hour passed and she didn't arrive I began to get worried but I still waited maybe she was running really late or had to do something. After awhile I began to realize she might just not show up so I began walking to my car when I hear someone yell my name.

I turned around to see Peyton running to me, the closer she got the clearer I could tell she wasn't okay.

I started walking towards her and I could feel my heart start to pound quickly with how worried i began to feel. I held my arms out and for the first time I felt her so close as she walked straight into my arms. She was shaking and crying I looked down at her asking what was wrong.

"P-please take me with you" she said it took me a second to realize she meant to my place I opened her door and ran to mine and began driving home.

When we were in my apartment I could see her looking around as she immediately went and sat at my couch and I followed her. I waited awhile before asking what was wrong.

She took a long breath as she tried to calm herself "I had to go away" she looked at me "he isn't safe and I should have left earlier but I couldn't I was afraid" she began to sob as she looked down at her hands.

I got closer to her as I hugged her she winced I got scared and I immediately let go and looked at her. She stared at me and looked afraid "Peyton are you hurt?" I asked

She cried as she took her jacket off to reveal so many bruises I felt like I just got punched in the stomach and all the air left my body.

"I'm so sorry Peyton" I said as I got closer to her looking at her for permission to touch her so I could hold her. When she looked at me with approval to go on I held her as careful as I could and let her cry in my arms after seconds I began to get emotional as well.

"How long has this been happening?" I asked

"For about 3 years" she whispered.

I felt my heart sink, 3 years.

"Why did you never leave?" I looked at her.

"I was afraid I tried to leave once and he found me, he beat me up so bad I couldn't move for a week and he threatened to kill sky or anyone I loved if I'd leave again and I couldn't call the cops because nomatter what I did he'd find me again" She begins to shake after a few seconds "I shouldn't have involved you he could hurt you and it would be all my fault" "I need to leave" she stood up.

I looked at her confused "where would you go?"

"I don't know but I can't have him find me this time and it wouldn't be safe for you if I stayed here" she said but before she could walk anymore I stud in front of her.

"Peyton I don't care what happens to me I will not let you go trough this alone anymore, I'll take care of you here and I'll never let anything happen to you" "please don't go" I whispered.

After awhile we were both on the couch Peyton had fallen asleep on me. I held her not wanting to let go, everything she's been trough is so much that no one should have to deal with. I can't believe I missed all those signs of how much she'd be afraid when I even did a little movement towards her or how she'd run as soon as he'd text her.

He broke her for so long and now I'd do anything to help her heal from it all. I knew i couldn't fix everything but I sure as hell wouldn't let her do it alone. Aside from everything that was broken and fragile from her she was strong, she had gone trough so much and no matter how long it took she walked away.

I looked at her asleep and I kissed her forehead before I closed my eyes.


Hope y'all liked the chapter it hits home and I hope you know that your not alone. Comment and Vote -Janie

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