15 - Look After You

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Carter and I had a late phone call and talked about taking the twins out. Peyton told me to enjoy the day with them since It would be my first time out with them, Elijah also said the same.

I watched as Carter and the twins got into my car, the twins looked so happy it warmed my heart. I smiled at them "Y'all ready?"

"Yes!" They said in unison.

"So we're should we go?" Carter asked me.

"How about we go to the mall and we'll see we're that takes us?" I say.

"Sounds like fun"

As I drove Zo kept telling me how she couldn't sleep because she was so excited.

"When I woke up I just couldn't help but smile daddy" she said.

We reached the mall and when we got down Zo immediately went to grab my hand so I could walk with her which I took proudly. I looked at Carter who was smiling walking by Olly. I looked at him and he shrugged "she beat me to it" he said. Carter and I chuckled at how he just accepted it.

We walked to different places that were all familiar. Taking the twins to the places that I grew up coming to was so strange yet such a good moment. We walked into a kids store that had just about everything and I watched as their eyes lit up in excitement.

I called them both "So how about you each pick something and I'll get it for you" I said and Zo gasped.

"Really!!" They said excitedly.


They grabbed each others hands as they started walking away together to choose something out. I looked at Carter and we followed them Close by.

I watched as Carter looked at both of them and then smiled. "You've done such an amazing job with them" I say "thank you"

"You don't have to thank me their my babies I'd do anything for them." She said.

"Yes thank you for making them the greatest kids their are today, but that's not what I was saying"        "I want to thank you for giving me this chance again"

"Bry nomatter how much I always wondered why you left I never stoped believing you were a good person. Yes it hurt like hell and it was hard but like I said their your babies too"

We looked at them then back to each other "Their literal a mix of you and me, personality wise and appearance" we laughed.

"That's how the world saw us before and now we get to watch them grow to be little versions of us" I said.

We both joined them and helped them look for something. Zo really liked this princess house and she looked like she was battling with herself because she knew it would be pricey. I chuckled at how cute she looked then kneeled next to her.

"You like that one huh?"

She looked at me then back at the house and said yes.

"So then let's get it!" I said

"Really?!!" She said

"Yeah!" I said smiling at my little girl who couldn't hide the excitement.

I carried the box toward the section we're Carter and Olly we're. Olly was looking at this drum set as Carter looked at Zo and i coming towards them.

"She got you huh?" Carter chuckled.

"You should of seen her, she just looked so cute" I said.

"Hey dad can I get this?" Olly asked pointing at the Drum set.

"For sure bud!"

We walked towards the check out and I got them their things then headed out to the car. When we were all settled in we took a trip to get all of us food. While waiting for our food to come out Olly and Zo went to play in the playground they had.

"How has everything been? How's Elijah?"I asked.

"We're good he's been really great to us, he really cares about them and I'm just really grateful" she said. "What about you and Peyton?"

"He's a really great guy, and well it's a little complicated but I know that I really care about her and that I just can't imagine my life without her"

"She seems like a great girl and I'm just glad that she makes you happy, you truly deserve it bry"

I smile "Thanks pretty girl"

When I drop them off they both give me a big hug and thank me for the millionth time. I help them take their stuff inside and get ready to go since it was almost 8pm and they had to get to bed soon.


I walk to the hotel and I can't stop thinking about how amazing today was and how exited I am to tell Peyton about it.

I walked into the room and it was empty so I check to see if maybe she was in the restroom but she wasn't. My heart began to raise when I realized she was gone. I looked at the bed which had a paper on it  and I walked towards it and opened it.

" Bryson, I'm so sorry that I couldn't say goodbye but I knew that if I waited you wouldn't let me go, but I had to because he took sky and I couldn't let him hurt her because of me. I had to go. I know that this is a risk but I just couldn't let him hurt someone else. You have been my biggest blessing and the greatest love I've ever felt. I hope you know that in the little time we had you changed my life and I'll never forget that,

I love you Bryson. -Peyton "

Here it is I'm so sorry for late posting but I had to!

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