bullets and books

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this chapter contains swearing, mentions of violence, guns, blood, wounds  and murder. please proceed with caution.


“Kill her.”

The words rang in his head, the words he heard so much in life, constantly surrounding him like a swarm of bees breathing the distaste he had for his own existence. You’re being normal, Levi would say as if it is something to despise. But then again, what is it to be normal? A knife sharpened to fit into an already made sheath? Ashwin scoffed, no, he won’t be that person. Killing was a part of him now, he had accepted that. Then why is he so hesitant upon viewing his current target?

He was sitting far away, on the building across from her peering through the window. Infront of him was his sniper rifle sat, carefully aiming on his prey. He could still see her. Her dark hair billowing past her shoulders, eyes big and round,sporting a brilliant smile. She was conversing with someone, unaware of the hungry gazes of the people around her. Ashwin found her weird, her smile never reached her eyes, and her eyes also never had a spark of life. He wondered of her secrets. He laughed out loud to himself, he had somehow reached peak lunacy thinking everyone had something hide.

Ashwin thought of himself as a self-destructing bomb. He was his worst enemy, too scared to go into the depths of his mind. He wanted freedom, freedom from himself. He was a slave to himself, and he wanted to break free of his reins but that would mean he would lose himself in the process. But at this point, he didn't care.

He was distracted by the sudden commotion over there. He looked over and saw people scrambling around. And she was standing in the middle, towering over the body of man. Her hands held a dagger, blood trickling down her small fingers. He blinked in surprise. What the hell, he thought.

He jumped out from there, quickly disassembling the rifle. He had to get out of there fast, before the cops or someone else arrived. He hopped down the window, taking the emergency stairs. He had glanced over and saw her crouched next to the body, clutching her wounded arm in pain. He stared, if he was as smart as everyone called him he would know that leaving would be the best option. But he saw her previously dead eyes, filled with pain and an odd gleam of satisfaction.

Fuck it, he thought, skipping a few flights of stairs by leaping and reached the building. He put on his mask, slipping in quietly and creeped up behind her. He could see the blood dripping onto the floor and the small shakes of pain from her shoulder. He covered her mouth from behind, hit by her sweet scent. As she struggled against him, small whimpers coming from her, he whispered in her ear huskily.

“Stop moving, I'm not gonna hurt you I'm here to help.” She glared at him, sideways and Ashwin got a good look at her deep brown eyes. “Shut the hell up” He muttered gruffly, and dragged her out of the party hall pulling her out to the kitchen. He had a firm grip over her and they could hear siren noises faintly. Shit, he thought and pulled her through the back door pushing them into a musty alleyway.

Once he let go of her, she immediately launched an arm against him but he stopped her mid air and twisted her around, pinning her against the wall.

“Who the fuck are you?’ she spat, glaring at him intensely. “None of your concern” he retorted, pushing her firmly against the stone wall. She looked at him warily, and weighed her options. She just murdered a man, she isn't in the position to decline help. But she didn't trust him at all.

Ashwin heard ruckus inside and sighed. “Listen Sivaangi, you just killed a man and you have the police searching for you. You don't have a ride or money. If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it earlier don't you think?”

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