Chapter 16 🦢

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{Chicago, Illinois} (Sam)

After finding out where Carly is being held I thanked Simmons and Dutch before moving to leave when Epps stopped me to say he would help because they killed his friends to and we packed our bags then head out. We drove away and head to Chicago, along the way the cars grew as moving of the team joined.

"Let's roll!" Soldier Called out

We drove pass trying to push on to get Carly, Epps looked at his phone only place in down on the dash.

"We had a signal earlier. It's not working." Epps said

Epps tried the car radio and we got somewhere as the broadcast was clear to hear.

"Radio: This is a national emergency broadcast. Chicago has suffered a massive attack." Radio said

"no really!" Epps said

We got into Chicago to see the nightmare the Decepticons made while people were shout for us to turn around but we carried on while watching the people passing us with their families or pets

"Wrong way! Get out of here! Go back!" Man said

We come to a stop to plan everything not know that William was doing the same with General and Morshower but they were quicker with their planning due everything being in arms reach.

{NEST HQ, Washington} (Lennox)

I was with the General and Morshower was on Video while we try to find a way into Chicago without being shot down and saving Estelle and those in the city.

"There is a ring of alien ships around Chicago." General said

"Our high-range bombers were just knocked out of the sky. They can't get through enemy air defenses over the city. Our satellites have been jammed. We have no way to monitor the enemy's movement." Morshower replied

"Our old NEST teams are on stand-down holding at Grissom Air Force Base. We're about ten minutes from the battle zone. We have Special Forces trying to gain access to the city, and infantry is staging at the perimeter." I said

Simmons come over while we were still working on a plan of action.

"Excuse me, excuse me, it just doesn't make sense! Can't we get any eyes in there at all?" Simmons asked

"They keep shooting down our drones." Mearing answered

"They want us blind. But we do have a couple of mini-drones we're gonna try." Morshower said

"Well, whoever's manning these UAV drones, can we try to redirect them toward Trump Tower? The kid Witwickety, was on his way to Chicago. Said some point-man human op is there, for the Decepticons! Listen, if I know anything, I know this, that kid is an alien bad news magnet." Simmons said

{Chicago, Illinois} (Sam)

Children were shouting and running around while Epps Checked the place out as we all waited and looked around.

"My God. We came here to find her in the middle of all that?" Epps asked

"Are we really going out there, Epps?" Stone

"I'm not going in there." Eddie said

"No one's going in." Epps replied

"I am. With or without you, I'll find her." Sam said

"You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam. Is that what you want? Is that what you want? You came all the way out here to get yourself killed? Huh? Listen to what I'm saying." Epps said

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