Chapter 24 🦋

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(Washington, D.C)

Nasa and the government were in a room wondering who would start talking when a guy spoke up to Nasa before he head of to a meeting with the President.

"I'll have 17 minutes to brief the President. What do you got for me?" One asked

"It's an unmodelled perturbation mass..." Someone started

"Look at this. It's amazing this thing flies at all. Is it some kind of neck cancer?" one but in

"No. It's much worse than that. It's a gravitational anomaly caused by a planet-sized object with a current velocity of 1/10th light speed." Another carried one

"That's some geek stuff. Is it a threat?" One asked

"If you just give me..." Man said

"No, I got a lunch. No." One replied

"No, it's not a threat. A threat might kill you. This will kill you in three clays." Man said

After saying that everyone was worried. Izabella was talking to Hound about weight when Cade called to him to make a phone call to Tessa. At the U.S. Pentagon Will met up with the general where they could talk about Megatron and the horns locations and how Megatron wants to negotiate. "And get this. He made contact with TRF. Snatched up two CIA case officers. Said he wants to negotiate." General said

"With him? What the hell does he want?" Will asked

"Certain alien associates of his released The department of justice has okayed it so long as the us military watches his every move. You're gonna be on point, because he is not our friend.. We've made deals with the devil before during times of crisis. If we're gonna get through this, we have got to open the door and let the monsters inside. There is a weapon out there of unimaginable power. A threat to our very existence. And Megatron can lead us to it. Megatron, he's after something Yeager has. Something they need to help find this weapon. We're gonna let those Decepticons do our dirty work. On my go, they'll be given Yeager's hideout coordinates. You track Megatron every step. Take the weapon." General answered

"And then I'm taking his ass out." Will said

Will and a team of lawyers met with Megatron to talk about the associates to be released.

"Scheduled contact is ID'd and cleared. Confirmation. Hostages are clear." One said "You know who they always kill first? Lawyers." Will said

"Do I know you, human? I want my crew." Megatron asked

"Give me names." Will ordered

"Mohawk." Megatron started

"He's cleared." Lawyers said

Dreadbot, Nitro Zeus, Onslaught with Mohawk were cleared to which Will asked a question and Megatron replied

"What do you really want, Megatron?" Will asked

"What anyone wants, human. To go home." Megatron said

"Yeah, that'd be all right with me, too." Will replied

(badlands, S. Dakota)

Night was slowly turn to Day as the transformers woke but no one was aware that the TRF had their location and getting ready to ambush while Cade and Izabella went on to repair the friends as they walked but it didn't work for Bee until the found out they were found so everyone to the abandoned town where they could ambush the TRF and found out bee had a tracker on him. In the town Megatron met Sqweeks which made Izabella march to them and shouting for Megatron to put Sqweeks down so the fight began and the Autobots won until it was just the TRF left that's when they met an human-like transformers.

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