Chapter 19 🦚

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{Flashback #1} [Estelle]

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{Flashback #1} [Estelle]

Tony and everyone was on a mission to find Loki's sceptre with Bee and the Autobots so Lennox was watch over the mission as well. when it was over Tony had a party as a way to show off again but this time we were attacked Tony's newest idea Ultron while the team stop him they fought him only to lose him and Nat but once back home tony and Bruce did it again but Thor help and they got Vison which they all went to Sokovia when they would stop Ultron, save Nat and people.

{Flashback #2} [Lennox]

Tony and everyone come back from Sokovia where I sent more aid to help while Tony and Bruce went over the sceptre they got to play with as Tony and Bruce found an Artificial Intelligence but went to get ready for a party which lead to the Avengers fighting the AI (Ultron) and it running away making the avengers fight with each other so they went to stop it and meet two teenagers in the end the Avengers come home with three souls and no Bruce.(Pietro will be alive in my story and to be honest they could of save him) I was waiting in the living room when they come in and I didn't see Bruce, Tony told me the names of the three newbies.

"Will, I would like you to meet the Maximoff twins, Pietro and Wanda. And this is Vison" Tony said

"Hello Pietro, Wanda and Vison, I'm William Lennox" I said

"But Mr Stark, who is he?" Pietro asked

"Well I so happen to be his brother-in-law" I answered

"Oh, I'm sorry" He said

"Haha, I like you kid, Tony where are they going to live?" I asked

"Well I'm not sure yet but I'll think of something" Tony answered

"That won't do Tony they can stay with us and the children until they have made up their minds" I said

After the mission debrief, I took the twins home with me. We got the car park I showed them to Ironhide and that's when he started to talk to us making the twins jump while I laughed.

{Flashback #3} [Estelle]

It's been a year since the Invasion of Chicago and the country is still cleaning up and finding the belongings of the dead. It's been two years since the twins come us. Today is the day where Will and I adopt the Twins but they would have double surnames now. we were in court with those that support us though everything that has happen.

"The court finds Pietro and Wanda Maximoff have been granted US citizenship and with the court's approval Mr & Mrs. Lennox have been awarded custody of the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff-Lennox, Congratulations to the new family" Judge said

Will and I hugged the Twins as the children joined while yelling out after hearing they would get a new brother and sister and that gave Tony an reason to have an party again so we spend the rest of the day getting ready for the said party. Will and I went house hunting to fit the ever growing family.

{Flashback #4} [Lennox]

The Government had disbanded the NEST after Chicago as they started to hunt down any transformer but most of the Autobots where with us in Mexico City, Mexico. We got to meet the Yeager's who lived next to us, my kids seem to love the Yeager's daughter while Pietro and Wanda become friends with Tessa and Shane. Later Wanda told us about the Yeager's having money issue's so El come up with the idea of asking Tessa to be an babysitter for the kids minus Wanda and Pietro, Tessa took up the job as she told us about going to same college as her mother did.

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