Chapter 1🌺

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(Chapter 1 - Opening)

Before time began, there was the Cube.

We know not where it comes from, Only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born.

For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some want it for good, others for evil.

And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.

We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world.

And just when all hope seemed lost, a message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.

But we were already too late...


A Group of men were returning to U.S. SOCCENT base after a mission behind enemy lines, so on the ride, they started talking about a little taste of home.

"Oh, God, five months of this. I can't wait to get a little taste of home. A plate of mama's alligators étouffée." Fig said

"You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise." Epps replied

Fig talked backed to Epps in English before moving to Spanish where some would not understand what fig was saying. The chat moved on to another taste of life, Their perfect weekend and for some, it was the Sox at Fenway or Cold hotdog and a flat beer until one asked their Captain.

"What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?" one asked

"I just can't wait to hold my girls" I answered

"He's adorable." Another said

"Shut up!" I blushed

We landed at the base while some played games or shower, I was reading a letter from my Wife Serephina when a lad comes up to me.

"Lennox!" kid Shouted

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked

"Water?" kid asked

"Thank you. Are you gonna help me with the gear?" I asked

We went to get some gear while Colonel Sharp reached out to an Unidentified aircraft and ordered some aircraft to escort the Aircraft to the base. I made it to a tent for my video chat with Serephina and our daughter.

"My wife on?" I asked

"Yes, Captain." the soldier answered

"My ladies!" I said

"Look, Papa," Oaklyn replied

"Oh, my goodness. Look at her. She's getting so big. Have you been good for Mumma and everyone. How is school going Oaklyn?" I asked

"I got an A on my test, Papa" Oaklyn answered

"Wow, That's wonderful Oaklyn" I said

"Everyone loves her at school" Estelle replied

"Hey baby girl why don't you go play so Mumma and I can chat" I said

"Ok Papa" Oaklyn replied

"Is everything ok Will?" Estelle asked

As Estelle and I talked, their chat video was flickering at the same time the Unidentified aircraft landed making everything flicker or jammed so that left no choice but flash their firearms to the aircraft, it started to transform so the army fired shots upon shots but they couldn't bring the thing down and it started to fire at the base only the saviours got away.

{High school}[Sam]

For my last lesson, I had a show & tell so I based my project on my 3x grandfather as I listed of thing my grandfather used at sea it made the class laugh. I was trying to sale my grandfather belongs to the class, I showed the class the glasses.

"These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things." I said

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you're doing." the teacher replied

At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave me a b- grade so I somehow got my teacher to up the grade to an A- grade. I show my grades to my father who in turn took me to buy my first car and he played a joke on me, who did not find it funny. The father and son met the car dealer.

"Gentlemen. Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. How can I help you?" Bobby asked

"Well, my son here, looking to buy his first car" Ron answered

"You come to see me?" Bobby asked

"I had to" I answered

"That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B." Bobby said

"Sam" I replied

Bobby pulled me away from my father's car and talked about a bond between man and machine, in the end, I found a nice yellow and black 1976 Chevrolet Camaro. After a High pitched sound broke every car window on site I got the Camaro for a grand less than what Bobby was selling it for."$4,000!!!" Bobby said

{The Pentagon}[John Keller]

I had arrived for the debriefing to everyone that was waiting.

"Steve," I said

"Hello, Mr Secretary" Steve replied

"They're so young," I said

"They're the top subject matter experts, sir. NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days." One replied

"Guys, that's the Secretary of Defense," Newbie said

"I am so underdressed"The Other replied

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of Defense." A Worker said

Everyone stood up as I walked on the stage to began the debriefing everyone in the room.

"Please be seated," I said

Everyone sat down and listen to me as I start.

"I'm John Keller. Obviously, you're wondering why you're here, so these are the facts. At 1900 local time yesterday, the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked. So far as we know, there were no survivors. The objective of the attack was to hack our military network. We're not sure exactly what they're after, but we do know that they were cut off during the assault, which would lead us to assume that they're going to try it again. Now, no one's taken responsibility for the attack. And the only real lead we have so far is this sound." I said

I raised my hand and the recording played, everyone was on the edge of their seats and having mixed feeling over it.

"That's the signal that hacked our network. NSA's working at full capacity to analyse it and intercept further communications, but we need your help to find out who did this. Now, you've all shown considerable ability in the area of signals analysis. We're on a hair-trigger here, people. The President has dispatched battle groups to the Persian Gulf and the Yellow Sea. This is as real as it's ever gonna get. Now I'm gonna leave you to your officer-in-charge. You'll break up into teams and you'll start your work. Good luck to us all." I said

I had finished so I walked away to my other meetings including one with Tony Stark and Estelle Lennox over the newest weapons and breaking the news before the reporters get wind of this.

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