Chapter 8 🍁

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(Just a quick note, I've done over 11000 words and 632 paragraphs and I'm so happy for that but it will grow more)

{NEST's secure headquarters, Diego Garcia} [Lennox]

There is a Breach at B-14 so a sent a team to check it and report to base, The shard is missing and the team was attacked we lost some members and the Shard. All the while this is happening I was on video chat with my girls.

"Hey, my girls how are you?" I asked

"Hey superman we're alright. Are you ok over there?" El asked

"Hi daddy, I miss you," Oaklyn said

We chat for a bit until I was pulled away to work again. At the same time, Optimus and the team left the base to see Sam about the Shard. The Decepticon's were on their way to revive Megatron.

{University} [Sam]

I had lost my mind in the middle of class so I ran out and phone Mikaela for help in which she replied that she would meet up with me. Once at the dorm room this chick pushed in and forced herself on me just as Mikaela walked in, she left and the transformer change at the same time it wraps her tongue around my neck choking me. Mikaela come back in with Leo behind her and she threw the box at the thing, but it ducked, and the box smashes the window.

After all the running we got into a car and drove into a lamp post to knock the thing off. Once away from the university and the transformer we only drove into the hands of another and it took us to someplace where we saw Megatron again.

"Come here, boy. Closer." Megatron said

"Oh, my God," Mikaela said

"Okay," Sam said

"You remember me, don't you?" Megatron asked

"I did what you said, okay? Just don't hurt us." Sam answered

"Shut up!" Megatron said

"Sam!" Mikaela called

Megatron pinned me to this table as he talked about his plans when he called for a smaller transformer to come over. Optimus found us and the Autobots got us out of there, I was with Optimus when we were attacked by the Decepticon's as Optimus fight with them only they had the upper hand which lead to Optimus death.

"Sam, run, Run!!" Optimus said

The Autobots come to fight as Bee took the humans and drove away for the fight and Optimus.

"Autobots, attack!" Ratchet Shouted

"Bumblebee, get them out of here!" Ironhide told

{Lennox House} [Estelle]

Oaklyn was playing in the living room while I watch some TV when the show cut off and a transformer appeared instead making Oaklyn look up too.

"Citizens of the human hive, your leaders have withheld the truth. You are not alone in this universe. We have lived among you, hidden, but no more. As you've seen, we can destroy your cities at will, unless you turn over this boy. If you resist us, we will destroy the world as you know it." It said

A photo of Sam popped up as Oaklyn sat in my lap upset of the voice.

"Jarvis, look for Sam or Mikaela for me please?" I asked

"Of course Mrs Lennox" Jarvis Answered

It ended just as the show come to the end and the news started and they talked about the transformer.

"What we're hearing from the German government is that the world broadcast was a satellite hacking. The military has just told us they have assumed Condition Delta, which is the highest level we have been at since 9/11. President Obama is being flown to a bunker somewhere in the middle of the United States in the face of the worst simultaneous attacks ever around the globe. The aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt goes down off the East Coast, all hands lost. Worldwide casualties are in the neighbourhood of 7,000, but that number could climb. It's still too early to tell. What we need to ask now is, "Who and why?" The FBI is still trying to locate the boy, Sam Witwicky. We believe they have information about the attacks. The FBI, CIA and Interpol are all seeking the cooperation of worldwide law enforcement." The reporter said

"Mrs I found the kids and Cars," Jarvis said

"Patch us through to bee please?" I asked

"Very good Mrs Lennox" Jarvis replied

Jarvis got though to Bee and I got to talk to Sam and Mikaela, I found out why they are after them and Optimus being killed so I told them to come to mine where they could stay and come up with a plan. Hours later and they arrived so I met them outside with Oaklyn.

"Bee, Jazz is in his room so why don't you go there with the twins and catch up as for the three of you must be hungry so I will make you something as we talk," I said

"Come on sis we can get the best seats at the table," Oaklyn said

Oaklyn pulled Mikaela into the house while the boys followed the girls as I looked around because something felt off but I head inside to make dinner for the children. Sam told me everything from finding another bid of the AllSpark and how he is seeing their language that when they said they were going to find some guy about it and I did not like it one bit so I said I go with them.

"I want to come to Mumma," Oaklyn said

"I don't think so baby, you're just baby honey" I replied

"I want to come and I will," Oaklyn said

"No baby you're going to your uncle Tony" I ordered

With that being said Oaklyn removed herself from the kitchen and ran to her room while I watch her with sadness. I showed the kid to the guest rooms where they would stay the night then checked on Oaklyn to find her not in her bed so I went to Jazz and bee.

"Hey Jazz is Oaklyn with you?" I asked

"Hey El and yeah, she was upset about not going with you somewhere" Jazz answered

"She wants to come with us and I don't want her hurt so she is going to Tony for her safety" I said

"It's the right thing to do El and she knows that" Jazz replied

"Thank you Jazz" I said

I picked up Oaklyn up and carried her to her bedroom where I laid her down before giving a kiss and saying goodnight to her.

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