Chapter 21🐢

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Galvatron and Stinger met up with Prime as a fight broke out on the highway while Prime tried to get away with Cade and everyone Galvatron followed and so did the transformer named Lockdown who has come for Prime as Lockdown Took Prime and Tessa while Cade and Shane watched on that's when bee and the other come so Cade told them everything. The gang got on to the the ship where they went to get Prime and Tessa back while they got the ship to anchor for now as Cade found some weapons so they started fighting.

Cade and Shane found Tessa as they move to find Prime as the transformers found Prime and the humans move use the Anchor to get away but they were saved by Bee and Crosshairs As The other used a ship to break free.

"We're almost ready to separate. We're almost there. Hurry, he's launching!" Prime said

"All over it, chief." Hound replied

"Lockdown will be in deep space before he realizes I'm gone." Prime said

"I'm a sucky pilot, but let's give it a whirl. Hell, yeah!" Hound said

Everyone met up to find out the Autobots wanted to leave but Prime explained everything to Cade and the others about the seed. as Cade talked to Joshua

"We've intercepted the encrypted communications. Joshua Joyce is headed to his factory in Guangzhou, China." Crosshairs said

"Hey, big shot. Your company's in serious trouble." Cade said

"You better have a damn good lawyer." Joshua replied

"Really? Well, you better have a great one 'cause you're about to be responsible for the annihilation of a city. Now, you listen to me. Your tech has been hacked. Your prototypes are infected. And now Galvatron is after that Seed. Look. I know you have a conscience because you're an inventor, like me. Do not let Galvatron anywhere near that Seed." Cade said

"I control Galvatron. I created him." Joshua replied

"Deep down, I know you know. Your prototype's been controlling you." Cade said

They moved away from the spot they were in and watch the cars come for them while Prime said the ship was ready to go so everyone got on it and head to china while on the way Prime and Cade talked about Faith in humans as they made it to china where they meet Joshua but got hit so they had no choice but to fight back. Prime got help from the legends who joined the fight. As Galvatron ran while Cade watched the fight as Bee fought the stinger as they moved the seed but Lockdown come for Prime again.

Cade went back for Prime while they got Tessa and Shane away from the fight. Prime was fighting Galvatron as Cade and everyone come back to help. Prime took the others away for safety

"Kind of nice being your hero for a change." Cade said

"(SOFTLY) You always were. All my life." Tessa replied

"This Seed belongs to our creators, whoever they are. There remains a price on my head. I endanger you all if I stay. I shall take it where it can never be found." Prime said

"Will we ever see you again?" Cade asked

"Cade Yeager, I do not know. But whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul. Defend this family, Autobots, as they have you. Defend all they can be." Prime answered

We watch Prime take the seed as the others stood with Cade while they watch Prime Fly off to find who the maker is.

There are mysteries to the universe we were never meant to solve. But who we are and why we are here are not among them. Those answers we carry inside. I am Optimus Prime and this message is to my creators: Leave planet Earth alone. 'Cause I'm coming for you.

(Lennox House)

They returned home Joshua lost his Contracts with the Government since they were signed over to me, Will was still working for the Army trying to get NEST back or some way, Joshua offered to pay for the Yeager's house to be repaired but they didn't want it in the end so Joshua payed for Tessa college. Both Tessa and Shane are going strong. The Yeager's stayed with us as they made plans for themselves, it was nice as the older children talked about the colleges they have joined up with.

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