Chapter 25🐝

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(U.S. 5th Fleet, England)

Will and his men landed on ship as they were updated while Cade and Viviane made it to her home so the could look for clues that her father left her. Edmund had made it to the location of the book while being o the phone to Simmons. Edmund made it inside the Library to which Edmund let Simmons in to the order.

"As the 12th Earl of Folgan, by the power imbued by his majesty King Arthur and his league of knights of the round table, I now Grant you, Seymour Rutherford Simmons... Entrance into..." Edmund started

"Admittance," not "entrance. Don't try to snooker me. Get it right." Simmons said

"Enough, enough, enough. Just tell me. Now." Edmund replied

As Edmund read the book, He looked around to make sure no one was looking as he coughed he had ripped the page out from the book before closing it and walking away to make an appointment with someone while still being on the phone to Simmons as they talked about the centre which they found out to be Stonehenge. Cade and Viviane found the clue so they left before the MI6 and TRF got to the house. The Chase become more racy when Barricade chased Bee but lost when Bee shot at him, they had made it to the navy base where they found the right submarines and Edmund had left Viviane and Cade with Cogman. Will got word that an old sub from WW2 had jumped and it an transformer as they tried to stop them but the sub went under to which Will order a team to follow.

(10 Downing Street, London)

Edmund walked up to the front door on number 10 where he had asked to see the Prime Minister as he used the old door way while Cade watch the talisman move about his body and Viviane watched until they saw Cogman set the table as they both felt on edge. Edmund had made his way into the PM Office and sat waiting for the guy to get off the phone as they talked about the time and location of the event that s to happen. Cade and Viviane had found the ship with Will's team close behind them once inside the ship Cade and Viviane got out the sub as they made plans to move.

"I'm not going in that water. My gears would be sucked into my main shaft." Cogman said

Bee rolled his eyes then flicked Cogman into the water to which Cade, Viviane and Bee began moving as Cogman swam behind.

"Now you're both on my shit list." Cogman said

(European Space Agency)

People woke to the sight of a another moon in the sky while an Agency talked about Cybertron being closer the thought.

"We were blinded. Blinded by the sun. The planet hid its approach behind our star. It seems to be acting deliberately." Guy said

At the Junkyard Izabella ran to get Jimmy to look at the sky while in space Cybertron had hit the moon and passing it as parts of both planets drag and rumble moved about. At the agency they was still talking.

"Dozens of strikes currently modelled. First impact will be Alpha station. There is no escape pod. Earth will follow two hours later. Dominic modelled potential casualties in the tens of millions." Lady said

That had shocked everyone there, people began to panic around the world, Will's team have made it to the sub and from there they tried to gain grounds on Cade and Viviane as they had found a path to get closer to the tomb of Merlin. Daytrader had arrived with a ship for the autobots to which everyone was somewhat happy.

"Daytrader. Son of a bitch actually came through with our ship." Hound said

"Excellent. We are going to England." Drift replied

"Things are likely to get nasty. Real nasty." Hound said

"Hey, can I come? He might need me." Izabella asked

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