Chapter 10 🍀

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After Jetfire explaining everything to us he gave us the clues we needed to find the new Energon source so as we drove away from Jetfire Simmons and I tired to find out what the clue means but we were getting nowhere until Mikaela told us to ask El which made a lightbulb light up in our heads so we got Mikaela to call her.

(Lennox's house, New York) [Estelle]

Oaklyn was at her friend's Peter house when I got a facetime from Mikaela so I asked it only to her, Sam, Simmons and a lad there with her.

"Hello Mikaela and everyone" I said

"Hey El, could you help with something?" Mikaela asked

"Sure, whats up?" I asked

"What does when dawn alights the dagger's tip, Three kings will reveal the doorway mean?" she asked

"Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the "Dagger's Tip. It divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. and as for the three kings they mean stars, three stars in line with each other and the third one just hits the horizon. but why are you guys asking about Egypt and are you in need of help?" I asked

"We found something that could help us bring something back but we just need to know where is it but yes we could use some help if that is ok?" she asked

"Its alright my dear just give me a few hours and I'll head over" I said

With that the chat is over, I asked Tony to have Oaklyn while I head to Egypt for work. Hour or so later I was on a plane heading to Egypt where I would help them with Optimus only this time Jazz would be coming with me.

(Egypt) [Sam]

We pulled up somewhere to make another call but this time it is Simmons who made and to Will asking him to bring Optimus to Egypt because we may have found the key to bringing him back to us.

"Lennox, I'm with the kid. The kid. You know, the one with the attitude, right? We need the truck. The truck. We got a possible resurrection going on over here. You're not gonna believe where we are. Code Tut, as in King Tutankhamen. Back of a $1 bill. Coordinates for airdrop, 29.5 north, 34.88 east. Write it down. Write it. Oh, my God. I got to go. Okay." Simmons said

Leo come back and we packed and moved on towards the daggers tip to meet El.

{NEST's secure headquarters, Diego Garcia} [Lennox]

After the call from Simmons and a text from El both of them saying the same thing I got the coordinates run though only to find out that the location is Egypt.

"Coordinates, 29.5 north, 34.88 east. Tip of the Red Sea. Gulf of Aqaba." Solider said

"Egypt? Are you serious? Even if we could figure out a way to get big man over there, how is this little kid supposed to bring him back to life?" Epps asked

"Look, I don't know, but we got to trust him." I answered

So we got ready to take the Autobots and head to Egypt where El and Sam are to.

{Pyramid of Giza, Egypt} [Sam]

We made it to Egypt and found a place to crash for the night which is next to the Pyramids.

"Undercover, yo. You got to blend in with your surroundings. You know, you got to be part of the landscape." Transformer said

"Awesome! I think aliens built that. Yeah, yeah." Simmons said

"Come on. Move it! Move it!" Leo called

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay? Yeah, some of us got work to do! Dumb Autobots." Transformer said

Night rolled in and almost everyone was asleep but Mikaela and myself, we laid down under the night sky just being together. 

"Being my girlfriend is hazardous to your health." I said

"Yeah, well, girls like dangerous boys." she replied

"Do they?" I asked

"Yeah. You might as well just say it." she answered

"Ladies first." I said

"Okay, so tonight you're going to be a gentleman. You're really chivalrous." she replied

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked

"You know what? Baby, I'm not... I'm not mad. Do you realize that I just flew 3,miles to keep you from getting killed?" she asked

"I know." I said

"Who else could be your girlfriend, Sam? Look at the things I go through with you. And now we're underneath the moon and the stars and the three most beautiful pyramids on the planet and you still can't even tell me that you love me." She replied

"Pyramids." I said

"What? Why do boys always change the subject?" She asked

"Pyramids and stars." I said

"Sam?" She asked

"Come with me really quick." I answered

We got up and head inside to wake the guys up and explained to the clue after we I took them to the roof top to show them better.

"Simmons! Leo! Wake up! Listen, astronomy class, page 47. Remember the class?" I asked

"No. I was only in college for two days. Remember that?" Leo asked

"Here. Get up. Up, up." I said

"What is he talking about?" Simmons asked

"Okay, you see those three stars? You see how the last one touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings. And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face." I said

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons said

We slept for the rest of the night before we left the place and head to the mountains of Petra.

{In the Air} [Lennox]

Half way though the trip the pilots called a bailout so everyone was up and getting ready so I got our VIP ready to leave first, the door open as I pull Galloway towards it.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're behind this, aren't you?" he asked

"What are you talking about? You heard the pilot. These guys don't mess around. This is just standard procedure. I'm just following orders to the letter. Isn't that what you said?" I asked

"You just signed a death warrant on your career, Major." he answered

The Pilot turn the plane sideways a bit as it made a noise as it made Galloway look like a deer in headlights when closer to the door i faced Galloway.

"All right. All right." Galloway said

"All right, when the pilot chute inflates into the air, it pulls the pin and opens the main. Red's your backup, blue's your primary. I want you to pull the blue. I need you to pull it really hard! Not now, we're on the plane, you dumb-ass!" Will replied

"He say good-bye?" Epps asked

"No, he didn't even say good-bye." will answered

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