Chapter 13🌱

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(Chapter 1) {Opening}

We were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings.

But then came the war.

Between the autobots who fought for freedom, and the decepticons who dreamt of tyranny.

Over matched, and out numbered.

Our defeat was all but certain, But in the wars final days.

One autobot ship escaped the battle, It was carrying a secret cargo.

Which would have changed our planets fate.A desperate mission. Our final hope. A hope, that vanished.

{VLA Radio Observatory - New Mexico, 1961}

A ship was heading to the dark side of the moon while it was being tracked from earth.

"One up there. One over there. And one more down there. What you got?" Analyst asked

"Impact detected. We have impact confirmed... Contact at... twenty-two-fifty GMT." NASA Analyst answered

The Analyst contacted the NASA Director who got Sec-Def on the phone who told the President about the crash on the moon.

"Get Bobby in here." ordered President Kennedy

"Mr. President. Designation top secret. We believe a UFO has crashed into the Moon. We think the Russians are onto it as well." said McNamara

"Well, then you tell NASA to move heaven and earth. We need to get to the moon." replied President Kennedy

"We're going to attempt a manned mission. NASA said it would take five years." said McNamara

"You get there before the Russians." ordered President Kennedy

Eight years later on July 16, 1969 The Apollo 11 was getting ready to set off for the moon.

"Ten, nine- Ignition sequence start. Five, four, three, two, one. All engines running. Liftoff. We have a liftoff. Thirty-two minutes past the hour. Liftoff on Apollo 11" Countdown Guy trails off

The Apollo had liftoff and the flight was plan-sailing until the made it to the moon where Neil's foot would become the First to step onto the sleeping planet

"I'm at the foot of the ladder. Okay, I'm gonna step off the LEM now. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong said

Static and signal were the reason why NASA couldn't talk to Neil after his big moment on the moon so that gave the men time to find out what hit the moon.

"Neil, you are dark on the rock. Mission is a go. We have 21 minutes. three minutes, forty-five seconds and counting."Black Ops Officer obscured by static

"My God... It's some sort of giant metal face." Neil Armstrong said

"Jesus." Black Ops Technician said

"Control, we are inside the ship. Extensive damage. Way too big to check the entire ship. Everything's dead in here, Houston. No signs of life anywhere. These things are massive." Neil or Buzz said

"We copy. You've got seven minutes on your oxygen. We are not alone after all, are we?" asked Black Ops Technician

"No, sir. We're not alone." Neil Armstrong Answered

"Go ahead, Mr. President." Announcer said

"Hello, Neil and Buzz. I'm talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House. And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made. I just can't tell you how proud we all are of you. For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives. Because of what you have done-" President Nixon started

"We have splashdown." Announcer cut-in

"-the heavens have become a part of man 's world. For one priceless moment in the whole history of man, all the people on this Earth are truly one. One in their pride in what you have done. It inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace, and tranquility, to Earth." President Nixon carried on

{Washington, D.C} [Estelle]

It was like any other day, I was awake before Will and the kids. I was looking at Will and remembering all the good moments in my life from the day I started working with the Red Cross, Will asking me to be his with the help of his team and all the way to the today. My figures traced Will's face and neck before moving to his chest where I watch my hand rise and fall with each breath he took as it sent me back to sleep until I woke to Will kissing my forehead.

"Morning my love" Will said

"Morning my sun" I replied

We enjoyed the time together before Oaklyn come running in and jumping on to our bed as she made her between us we smiled then Will got up left the room only to come back in with Liam so now everyone was in the bed enjoying the Sunday morning.

"Is Tony and everyone coming today for the roast?" Will asked

"Yes they are but it wont be until Six so we have time, why do you have someone in need of family time?" I asked

"Maybe... Yes I do, Epps is in the dog house with his other half so I said he could stay with us while he worked it out with her" Will answered

"Epps is always welcome here Will, you don't have to ask" I said

For an hour or two the family lazied about then we moved to get ready for the day. Will was watching the kids with the help of JAVIS and Epps and we know who was watching who. While I got on with making the roast, where I started with stuffing inside chicken and wrapped with bacon, golden Yorkshire pudding, boiled vegetables, Golden roast potatoes and a thick gray. As I was placing the table JAVIS talked to me.

"Mrs Lennox, your brother and his friends are here" JAVIS said

"Thank you JAVIS, can you let them in?" I asked

"Of course Mrs Lennox" JAVIS answered

"Thank you" I said

The table was set and everyone was sat as we started the dinner after Will, Tony and Epps cleared the table for tonight while Everyone was in the living room relaxing and playing. Will and Epps went to work, Will was with the team as they took a trip to the Middle East where he was having a meeting with someone.

{Middle East - Illegal Nuclear Site} [William]

"The years since our arrival, our new home, Earth, has seen much change. Energon detectors guard its cities now. Long-range defense systems watch the skies. So now we assist our allies in solving human conflicts, to prevent mankind from bringing harm to itself We work in secret teams on various missions around the globe. And all the while we search for signs of our true enemies' return." optimus Voice over.

I was in the middle east to meet someone, who needed help with a case so I was waiting when the showed up and he filled me in on the case.

"I am Voshkod, General Counsel with Ukrainian Department of Energy. My government will officially deny that we're having this conversation. At one of our decommissioned facilities, a, uh, discovery was made, which I fear may be... alien in nature. The facility's name is... Chernobyl." Voshkod said

"Mr Voshkod. So, uninhabited since '86. I hear it won't be livable again for another twenty thousand years?"  I asked

"At least. Ukraine was the most fertile land. It's a tragedy. This way." he answered

After the meeting was over we head to the site where we would try to find what we come here for.

"Gear up! We have sixty minutes on the ground. Watch your radiation levels. Mr Voshkod, where's your protective gear?" I asked

"It would not matter. For me, it's only a matter of time. Through the school. Yuri will take you below And one other thing, Colonel. In private... there were some energy experiments- Ahh! It can wait." Voshkod said

The team got the item but it shocked Optimus and that item turned out to be an engine part... from a long lost Autobot ship.

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