Chapter 5🏵️

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{Hoover Dam} [Estelle]

​​Simmons's show us to the room where the car is and we watch Sam and Mikaela try to stop the workers but in the end Will and I come to help.
​​"No, no! Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! No, no, stop, stop, stop! Let him go! Let him go! Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right? Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming. No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay. Right? They're not gonna hurt you. Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine. Okay, come on. Put the guns down. They're not gonna hurt you. Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the All Spark." Sam said
​​Sam and the rest of us show the Transformer to the All Spark and waited to see what would happen.
​​"Okay, Here we go. He doing something. He doing something." Epps said
​​"Oh, my god." Mikaela said
​​"Oh, wow" I said
​​"Message from Starfleet, Captain." Transformer said
​​"Let's Get to it." Epps said
​​"He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission city is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Will said
​​"Good Right." John replied
​​"But we cannot make a stand with out the air force." Will carried on
​​"This place must have some kind of radio link?" John asked
​​"Yes, shortwave, CB." Simmons answered
​​"Right, yes." John said
​​"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!" Will said
​​"In the Alien archive, sir!" Simmons said
​​"The Alien..." John wondered
​​"There's an old army radio console" Simmons said
​​"Will it work?" John asked
​​"Anything's possible! Did you see that...?" Simmons answered
​​Everyone got ready to leave while some stayed to get help for us that were heading into the city. Will was giving orders to everyone as we moved out.
​​"All right, Sam, get it in the car! Mr. Secretary! Get our birds in the air. When we got to the city, we're gonna find a radio, and I 'll have Epps vector them in, okay?" Will order
​​"Affirmative!" John said
​​We got into the cars and head for the city but along the way we met up the other transformers, one went off to fight and give us time. When we got into the city we stopped at a pawn shop so Will could get radio's and gave to everyone.
​​"Here, I got Shortwave radios" Will said
​​"Wait. What am I supposed to do with these?" Epps asked
​​"Well, use them! It's all we got!" Will answered
​​"This is like RadioShack dinosaur radios or something, man. I'm only gonna get 20 or 30 miles out of these things. Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" Epps asked
​​After Epps said a F-22 flew by over and we moved more into the city.
​​"F-22 at 12:00" Epps said
​​"All right, I want planes for air cover and get black hawks on the station to extract that cube. You got it?" Will asked
​​We pulled up and got out while people stop to wonder what is happening just as the F-22 flew by again but lower this time.
​​"Air force has arrived! Pop smoke!" Will said
​​"Raptor, Raptor, do you copy? We have you visual. Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vector black hawks for extraction." Epps said
​​One of the transformers change mode and made those that is watching us run for cover.
​​"It's Starscream!" One said
​​"Please tell you copy." Epps said
​​"Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee!" One said
​​"No, no, no, no, no! move" Will Shouted
​​"Back up! Back up!" One ordered
​​"Retreat! Fall back!" OPther said
​​"Incoming!" Soldier shouted
​​The F-22 shot at us and everyone tried to take cover while two transformers tried to block the shot but all it do was knock everyone to the floor. Will helped me up as we looked around to see if everyone is alright and beathing.
​​"Anybody hurt? Everyone okay?" Solider asked
​​"Clear the area!" Will shouted
​​"Oh, my God." I said
​​"Oh, my God. Bumblebee? No. Your legs! Your legs. Here. Here, back, back, back, back! You all right? Please get up. Bumblebee? Get up! Ratchet!" Sam shouted
​​"What the hell was that?" Will asked
​​"What are you talking about?" Epps asked
​​"What do you mean, what am I talking about? They shot at us!" Will said
​​"F-22 pilots would never fly below buildings. That's alien. That ain't friendly!" Epps replied
​​"You got to get up. You're okay. You're okay. come on!" sam said
​​"Army black hawk inbound to your location, over" Army radio
​​"Alpha 273 degrees, 10 miles. November Victor, 1.2 clicks north." Epps replied
​​"Move out! Let's go! Let's go! Move!" Will said
​​Will and the team moved away from their spot as Sam went off somewhere while Mikaela ran to a tow truck
​​"I'm not gonna leave you." Sam said
​​Bee Handed over the cube to Sam while the fight grew more heated as the good faced the bad.
​​"Come on, Decepticon punk!" one said
​​Three of the good guys got one the bad guys as will and everyone aimed their guns at the bots.
​​"Concentrate your fire!" Will shouted
​​The guys and I started shooting at the bad guys to aid the good ones when Mikaela returned with the truck to help bee.
​​"Sam, help me with this." She said

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