Chapter 23 🐥

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(Chapter 1 - 484 AD, England)

In 484 AD, an war broke out between King Arthur, his knights  and the Saxons, the fight was becoming an losing battle for the King as his knights question about Merlin and his where-about as they could see they were losing grounds.

"Where in hell is your so-called magician?" Lancelot asked

"He will be here, Lancelot. He swore it." King Arthur answered

The Saxons grouped up on one side of the field while King Arthur and his men were on the other side. Arthur and his knights looked out on to the battlefield as they heard the other side getting ready. The knights talked to Arthur about Merlin and his no-show.

"Arthur, you are my King. I will lay down my life for you, but this Merlin is no wizard." Knight said "He's a worthless drunkard." Knight replied

Merlin rode to the cave where he first found beings made of silver, Those being were the knights of Iacon, a group of Transformers hiding on Earth.  Merlin asked for help in stopping the Saxons after making a sad case for help.

"Hello. It is I, conjurer of spirits, master of the dark arts. Is anyone there? It is I, Merlin. The wizard Remember me?" Merlin called out

As Merlin took an mouthful of drink only to held up to the wall by an transformer as he babbled on for help in winning a fight.

"No. I kept your secret. I did. Just as I promised. I told no one of your existence. No one. But you have to understand, we Britons are in a desperate fight. End-of-times sort of thing. I mean it. It's happening down there now as we speak. It's awful. Big personalities just sort of clashing and bloody. I hate to ask... but we need your help. Merlin pleaded his case while King Arthur and his men carried on fighting until it got to the point about leaving and fighting another day to which Arthur slams his sword into the floor.

"There are no spells. There is no magic. We retreat. Live to fight another day." Knight said

"No. Without sacrifice... There can be no victory." Arthur replied

"This is madness." Knight said

"He will be here." Arthur replied

Merlin stood in front of the knights talking about himself and the human race.

"All right, I am what they say. I'm a liar, I'm a charlatan. I've deceived my whole life. But if I could, for one moment, change this world for the better, I would give up everything. Everything. I'd give up drink, money, wom... Drink and money. Look. Good men will die without your help. Women. Children. I know your world was destroyed. I'm sorry. But please don't let ours die, too. I beg of you." Merlin said

The Guardian knights transform into a Dragon for Merlin to command along with an alien staff and transform into Dragonstorm to turn the tide of the battle, but warn Merlin to hide the staff, for a great evil will come for it someday.

(1600 Years later)

It has been said through the ages, without sacrifice, there can be no victory. There are mysteries to the universe we were never meant to solve.

These are troubled times. Optimus Prime has left us to find his makers. Some say he will never return. His sworn enemy, Megatron... Vanished. Without leaders, chaos reigns. Two species at war. One flesh, one metal.

Transformers are declared illegal on earth. The world has set up a new paramilitary force. The TRF. Except in Cuba, Castro lets them sun on his beaches.

But these alien beings keep arriving. Endless waves of them. Too many to count. We look to the skies with dread and we wonder. How much of our time remains?

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