13: Mama Bear Maya

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As the weeks went on, the family of three began to develop a routine.

Maya and Carina adjusted to motherhood, although they had to admit, Sarah was an easygoing child. She was sensitive, and like Carina, wore her heart on her sleeve. Sometimes that sensitivity would weigh her down, but after a cuddle from her foster moms, she'd be right back up, full of sunshine. Sarah was still working on expressing her feelings, and was a wise soul beyond her years. Sarah felt that her foster moms hung the world, and adored everything that they did. Sarah was patient, gentle and loving, and was the one who mediated arguments between her friends. She rarely got in trouble, because she didn't like to cause it. She went with the flow of things, and had a remarkable level head.

It was an adjustment, knowing that they were responsible for a child, but Maya and Carina got the hang of things. They talked about parenting styles, and consulted their friends who had kids for advice. They talked extensively about decisions, and vocalized the importance of being open and honest not just with each other, but with Sarah, too. Both parties were apprehensive at first, as they were relatively new to being around one another, yet they figured out a good groove.

Sarah would be woken up each morning gently by Carina, who would kiss her on the forehead and pull her out of bed for a big hug. Maya would have breakfast ready for Sarah, both options out and available. Sarah still had the NG tube in, but according to her dietician, whom she'd seen a handful of times, she was making good progress. Sometimes she'd alternate between formula feed in the tube, and eating tangible food.

Maya and Carina were proud of Sarah's progress, and felt as if they were witnessing a flower blossoming and blooming. The Sarah that they were caring for now, was a completely different person compared to the girl they'd first met.

It depended on the day and their schedules, but both moms liked to sit with Sarah, keeping her company as she ate. Then, after eating breakfast, Sarah would get herself ready for school, and would be dropped off by either Maya or Carina.

Sarah spent her days in the guidance counsellor's office, doing some schoolwork and continuing to work with her therapist, Doctor Jamie Ryan. Her friends spent each of their breaks they got with her, and after they were caught visiting Sarah when they should be in class, the guidance counsellor watched who came into the office more closely.

Her friend group consisted of six people; Melanie, Alex, Elijah, Quinn, Nate and herself.

Elijah had curly black hair and brown eyes. He was a bubbly and energetic theatre kid, who often starred in their school shows. He was a paraplegic and who told everyone that he liked to roll through life in style.

Quinn was tall and had long brown hair that fell in waves down her back. She had deep brown eyes and tanned olive skin. She was shy but animated once you got to know her, and often spent her time painting.

Nate was freckled, blond and freakishly strong. He enjoyed lacrosse, swimming and the robotics club, and was always keen on trying new things.

Melanie was Sarah's best friend who played competitive water polo, was an avid book reader, and the unofficial leader of the group.

Lastly, there was Alex. He had curly brown hair, light grey eyes and a contagious smile. Alex was goofy and nerdy, but a loyal friend. She had known him for a few years, and he had fit seamlessly into their friend group.

After school was finished, Sarah would walk to the station or the hospital to see either Maya or Carina. It was usually Melanie, but because she had water polo practice, Alex walked her. As Alex and Sarah walked from their high school towards station nineteen, they discussed their similar interests; sports, guitar and video games. Because Sarah's legs were still healing, the walk took longer than it would have had everyone been with two healed legs of their own, but with frequent breaks, piggybacking and the continual chatting, they reached the station.

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