21: Spaghetti Dinner

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Sarah was officially discharged from Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital after four days, bearing three new stitches on her chest from the chest tube. Sarah was told to relax, to take it easy, and not to bear weight on her left leg for a couple of weeks. It was a little frustrating to hear, because Sarah didn't like being dependent. She didn't like the fact that she was reliant on their care, because she felt that her moms had better things to do than to care for Sarah like she was a baby. Maya and Carina were quick to assure Sarah that they were happy to help.

Doctor Ryan came by twice a week, and was more than happy to do house calls. Sarah talked about everything under the sun; the bullies who targeted her, her friends, her crush (embarrassingly enough), Maya, Carina, her sister, on grief, on how being angry with her deceased parents was easier than missing them... Doctor Ryan gave infuriatingly insightful answers, and after meeting her once, Maya shook her head.

"She's frighteningly smart. Her and Diane are two powerful, wise and emotionally intelligent black women," She muttered to Carina, who nodded in agreement.

While Sarah met with her therapist, Maya and Carina retreated to the basement to speak to Annie. Maya hadn't brought up the desire for a restraining order against Lane while they met at the hospital, given that Sarah was overwhelmed, but it had been a more recurrent thought. Now that Maya had a child, as well as Carina in her life, she knew that if her father came around, Lane wouldn't hesitate to use them as he baited Maya with cruelty.

Maya broached the idea with Carina, who was all for it, and they talked to Annie, asking for a rundown on what sort of protective order would work best for them. Annie explained the different kinds of orders that were relevant to them;

"The first one is an Anti Harassment Protection Order, also known as an AHPO. It's to protect against unwanted contact or behavior that causes substantial emotional distress and serves no legitimate or lawful purpose. The contact could be a pattern of behaviour that occurs over time, or a single act or threat of violence. The contact must be directed specifically at the protected person and be seriously alarming, annoying, harassing, or detrimental,"

"We could work with that. The hair pull could qualify with that, or him confronting you at work," Carina murmured, and Maya nodded. They had the stories to back up their claims, but no physical proof; just their word against his.

"The second one is a Stalking Protection Order, or an SPO. It's to protect against stalking behaviour that serves no lawful purpose and has reasonably caused the protected person to feel intimidated, frightened, under duress, significantly disrupted, or threatened. The respondent either knows or should know that their behavior causes those feelings, even if that was not the respondent's intent," Annie continued, and Maya nodded again. The squeeze of Carina's hand told Maya that this was something they could use, too.

"And the last one that could be applicable to you is the Family Law Restraining Order, also known as the FLRO. Its purpose is to prevent abuse, harassment, or harm to a person or child involved in a family law case such as a divorce, parentage, or a parenting plan."

"Definitely applies to us," Maya murmured.

"I think they would all benefit you, based on what you've told me about your father's behavior. If you're in immediate danger, you can ask the Court for a Temporary Protection Order. You often will be able to see a judge the same day you file your Petition for Temporary Protection Order. A temporary order protects you during the time it takes until the Court schedules a full hearing for you and the other person to appear before a judge,"

"The one thing is that these are claims that have to be taken to court, and your father is more than within his rights to fight against them. At the hearing, you and your father will see a judge, and you will both have a chance to speak. The judge might or might not ask questions, and they can decide if anyone else may speak or ask questions. I can send you a list of resources, but in the meantime, take this time to think. It's a big decision, and I just threw a lot of information at you,"

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