26: Therapy & Forgiveness

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Several weeks had passed since the verdict brought to the Bishop-DeLucas by Ms Ford, the principal of Sarah's high school. Colin Dixon was officially expelled, and disciplinary actions were taken against every member of his gang. The repeat offenders were expelled alongside their leader, while the first-timers were suspended with serious warnings. Sarah was given apology letters from each of them, a condition of the investigation's conclusion.

Forgiveness as a concept was weird, she found. Sarah discussed it at length with her therapist, Doctor Jamie Ryan, and came to terms that she didn't have to forgive them, not if she didn't want to. Forgiveness was a journey, they learnt, and one Sarah could take for as long as she wanted.

But, things had settled down, and for that, Sarah was happy. It felt as if she had reached an equilibrium, and she was content to watch her newfound sister make good progress.

After her first day of school weeks earlier, Carina asked Lucia if she wanted to meet the rest of the team. Ever since Andy and Vic first came over, Sarah talked about her uncles at the station, and how nice they were. She talked about each one, specifying what she loved most and their strengths. She felt as if she could talk her uncles up to Lucia, maybe her little sister would feel more at ease to trust them.

When Sarah specified that Maya would be there, alongside herself and Carina, Lucia said yes, which led them to now.

Maya had met them in the lobby of the station, and Lucia sought refuge in her mom's arms, her little arms wrapped around Maya's neck anxiously.

"Remember, we're going slow. Jack, Travis, Ben and Dean are safe. They're my friends, and they will never hurt you, bug. Mamma and Sarah will be right beside us," Maya reminded, and Lucia nodded, nuzzling her face into her mom's neck.

"Are you ready, bella?" Carina asked, and Lucia bit her lip, holding on to Maya tighter, but nodded.

They entered the beanery, heading towards the living room, where they often lounged after long calls. It held ceremonial decorations on its blue walls, and three comfortable leather couches, alongside a television.

Jack, Dean, Travis, Emmett and Ben sat on the ground, leaning on the couch furthest from the entrance to the room, as suggested to them by Sarah's therapist. They wanted to make themselves seem as small as they could for Lucia.

Lucia took one look at the group and let out a terrified scream, scrambling out of Maya's arms to seek refuge behind the couch closest to her. Maya sighed dejectedly, but Carina pulled Maya against her, rubbing her girlfriend's shoulder.

"These things take time, amore mio," She assured, and Maya nodded.

Just like it had been with Andy and Vic, it took time for Lucia to trust them. They followed her boundaries, listening to the signs she exhibited. One of them came by the Bishop-DeLuca each day, offering little gifts, and spending time with Lucia before leaving. It took three weeks, twenty-one days of baby steps for Lucia to get used to her uncles' presence.


In other words, school was an adjustment. She didn't like leaving her moms, far from it, and there had been a situation where a male assistant teacher had come to grab some things from Miss Wilson's room, and that had caused Lucia to go into a panic attack. Carina was called, and even with Maya coming in as reinforcement, the two moms had difficulty calming Lucia down.

"I think having some time with a specialized therapist would benefit her," Miss Wilson emphasized, and Maya looked at Carina, who was rocking Lucia back and forth in her arms, Lucia clinging to Carina for dear life.

"We've been looking, but no one's free. Everyone has waiting lists," Maya sighed.

Just like they had done with Sarah, Maya and Carina looked extensively for therapists for Lucia. At only five years old, their youngest had been through horrific traumas, most of which they didn't know the extent of, given that Lucia was kept in a basement for likely half of her short life. Lucia's mental and physical growth had been stunted, and as soon as she was transferred to Maya and Carina's care, they knew that the day would come that a therapist could help her.

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