25: To Achieve Justice

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Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.

Knowing that tomorrow would lead to the culmination of Sarah's torment at school filled both Maya and Carina with impossible nerves. They so badly needed this to go well; not just for their daughter, or for the other children hurt by him, but because there was justice to be served. Colin Dixon committed a throw of wrongs, so many, likely more than either of them knew. He'd done this under the guise that he was untouchable, and Maya and Carina intended to make Colin pay.

In the meantime, they watched Sarah sleep, taking a second to settle their collective nervousness. Carina couldn't help but extend her hand, her fingers tracing patterns on Sarah's freckles. She planted a kiss on Sarah's forehead, and pulled Maya towards their bedroom.

Tomorrow was a big day, and they needed all the rest they could get.

Maya hopped into bed and opened her arms wide. Carina grinned, melted into her girlfriend's arms, feeling as Maya peppered her with gentle, loving kisses. Carina breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as her worries seemed to melt into nothingness.

She was so happy... she never could have imagined that she would one day, that she would have a girlfriend and two kids. Had Carina been told that she would one day be blessed with a partnership that had lasted years, having children with this beautiful, loving soul... Carina would have laughed.

Yet, Carina couldn't bear the thought of being without Maya, Sarah or Lucia. They'd become a part of who Carina was. They were her sun, her moon, her galaxy of stars. They were hers, now and forever. It was the thought that she fell asleep treasuring.

Maya's mind was keeping her up; she couldn't help but worry over the big meeting tomorrow, as well as how Lucia would adjust to school. There were so many things that could go wrong, and Maya needed everything to be perfect. All those what-ifs and variables itched at her, drawing every bit of her focus. She didn't even notice that Carina fell asleep until gentle snores drew her from her own head.

Almost as if she'd read Maya's mind, Carina turned towards her girlfriend and nuzzled deeper into her arms, resting her face on Maya's and letting out a content breath. Maya took a moment to admire Carina; she looked perfect, even when she was fast asleep. Maya stroked Carina's brown hair and moved a lock of hair out of her face, kissing her girlfriend's freckled nose. Carina was so peaceful, and her presence helped ease Maya's anxiety more than words could describe.

Maya desperately wanted to spend the rest of her life with this woman by her side. She drifted off listening to Carina's snores, feeling the warmth of comfort and the embrace of her favourite human on this planet.


Sarah woke up hours later to mewling cries, and after a minute of confusion, she recognized them as Lucia. Sarah knew that she needed to go help, and stretching her stiff limbs, Sarah went down the hall to Lucia's room. 

Upon entering, Lucia hiccuped, whimpering with desperation, her hands extended for Sarah. Lucia's eyes were watery and puffy from the tears, and Sarah's heart sank seeing Lucia looking so sad, and desperate for reassurance.

What's wrong?" Sarah asked worriedly, scooping Lucia into a tight hug. She felt Lucia wrap her shaking body around Sarah, nuzzling her head into the crook of Sarah's neck.

"Bad man!" Lucia sobbed, her tears soaking Sarah's shirt. It took a second for Sarah to understand; sometimes the lack of communication proved to be a struggle, but Sarah could fill in the gaps with what she inferred. Lucia likely had a nightmare.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sarah asked gently, rubbing Lucia's back, but Lucia shook her head.

"Scary," she hiccuped, rubbing her eyes.

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