18: First Sign of Trouble

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There was no feeling quite like being held by someone you loved.

It was intoxicating, fulfilling, soothing; there weren't enough words to describe just how healing it felt.

Sarah awoke early the next morning, and to her relief, the debilitating headache that had taken residence behind her eyes had packed up and left. Aside from feeling weak and jittery, she felt much better than she had yesterday. She wasn't sure why she was feeling so sick yesterday, but the culprit was most likely a migraine. Her biological mother had a history of them, and while they weren't all that common with Sarah, it wasn't unheard of for her to get one.

Even a day later, Sarah still felt a bit off, but it wasn't anywhere as bad as it was the day before.

Carina had taken such great care of her, and Sarah felt bad that she chose their bed to lay down in, and hoped she didn't disrupt their night. Despite the guilt, a smile crept over Sarah's face as she recognized Carina's arm slung over Sarah's body. Gentle, even breaths tickled the back of her neck, and joy blossomed within Sarah, because Carina was holding her. Carina and Maya were her safety.

Her foster moms had opened Sarah's world, shown her the beauty of love and affection. Sarah couldn't get enough of it.

Maya's head rested on Sarah's shoulder, and Sarah took a moment to watch her. Maya was always full of energy and was constantly on the go, so seeing her so still and peaceful was odd, but nice.

Sarah truly could not have asked for anyone better to be her guardians, and felt like she'd been blessed with Maya and Carina.

Before she could reflect more on it, Sarah's thoughts were interrupted by Maya sighing in her sleep and throwing her arms around Sarah, and pulling her close. One of Maya's arms hit Carina directly in the face, who promptly woke up in confusion. Sarah struggled to hold in her laughter as Carina blinked groggily, piecing together what happened. She looked at Maya nuzzling into Sarah and smiled, her face still puffy with sleep. Carina loved seeing Maya and Sarah together.

"Good morning," Sarah whispered, a shy grin on her face, and Carina hummed in response. She put her arm on Sarah's forehead, feeling for the fever that had been there yesterday. "You feel less warm. How are you feeling, bella?" Carina yawned.

"I still feel a little wonky, but definitely better than yesterday. Thank you for taking care of me. It means a lot," Sarah murmured sincerely, and Carina nodded in obvious relief, exhaling deeply.

"Good, we were worried we would have to take you in. And I'm happy to help. I'm glad you're feeling better, tesoro," She hummed, pressing a kiss on Sarah's left cheek.

"Am I going back to school today?" Sarah asked groggily, fighting another yawn.

"No, you should stay home another day to make sure you shake whatever you have," Carina replied, laying back down next to Sarah, who beamed, her heart fluttering.
"I get to spend the day with you?" Sarah whispered in excitement.

"Si, and we'll have the best day ever," Carina yawned before encouraging Sarah to close her eyes once more.


Maya woke up to her alarm, which she quickly shut off with one hand because she knew that Carina and Sarah were still sleeping next to her; in her arms, to be exact. Sarah was directly against her, her head in the crook of Maya's neck with Maya's other arm wrapped around her. She could feel Sarah's heart thumping and her chest rising and falling. She was happy that Sarah looked so calm and peaceful in her arms.

Carina was just behind Sarah, her arm thrown over Maya's body, almost as an assurance that her girlfriend wouldn't go anywhere. Carina needed to be in contact with someone to rest, and Maya adored it. Her breaths were gentle and even, and Maya was captivated by how peaceful the moment was. She'd stay here forever, if she could.

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