22: Pool Party

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With the knowledge that Sarah had said yes to the question of adopting her, Maya and Carina felt as if life couldn't get any better. The following week passed in a blur of affection, promises and love, all while helping Sarah heal from the injuries she'd sustained at the hands of her bully. 

Sarah treasured how gentle her moms were, and familiarized herself with calling them that. By all accounts, she considered Maya and Carina as her moms, yet at the same time, it felt hard to let go of the past. Her biological family had been complicated, the love Sarah had received under their care being oftentimes unsafe and toxic, but they were still her family. They weren't always cruel. 

But, Maya and Carina had given her life. They'd devoted themselves to surrounding Sarah with so much love, and they were there every step of the way. Carina had been there when Sarah had a migraine, and Maya had been there when Sarah had gone to her old house. 

Mothers weren't restricted by biology. Being a mother was it means providing that indescribable feeling of comfort, of adoration and softness. It's being that person that Sarah would call to make her feel better, someone she could trust more than anyone in the world. Their love boundless, endless, seamless, selfless—unconditional.  

And they were hers. Her moms. 

So, while Sarah stayed at home, her ankle, wrist and head still needing time to heal, Maya and Carina doted on her. They read to her and entertained her boredom from being unable to read or go on devices as per her concussion. 

Maya and Carina contacted the social worker, and mentioned their intentions to adopt Sarah. Benjamin put the note on Sarah's file, and said he would get the process started. It would still be a while before they'd hear back, before the court case, but in the meantime, Maya and Carina felt as if Sarah would be theirs in just a matter of time. 

Seattle's weather had finally turned warm as the weeks progressed, and on that particular May weekend where the sun and wind were hot, Vic and Travis decided to host a backyard pool party for the team at Travis' house, which Vic had moved into years prior. The two encouraged their team to invite their families, and to Maya's dismay, encouraged Sarah to invite her friends.

"Especially Alex," Vic said to Sarah with a devious wink. Maya rolled her eyes at her friend's comment, but Carina smiled.


On the day before the party, Travis had called Carina to beg for her Italian meatballs for the pool party. Carina agreed, and as she cooked in the kitchen while Maya was shopping for chips, she felt her familiar heart ache for her mamma

This type of grief ache often happened when Carina was making a family recipe. She could almost hear Lucia yelling at Andrea with a smile on her face for sneaking a meatball as they cooled. Carina hated that they weren't here with her today, and the fact that they were both taken from her way too soon. She didn't have enough time with them, and that hurt more than anything she could imagine. They hadn't gotten to see Maya, or Sarah, and it stung that they'd never get to meet the two girls who made Carina's world go round. 

Carina was staring wistfully in space, a tear rolling down her face as she was overcome with a memory; Lucia twirling her two bambini around, traditional Italian music blaring from the radio. The Catanian sun was streaming through the window, and the breeze was warm. Carina could still feel it against her skin, and hear her mamma's laugh echoing in her ears.

It was then that Sarah walked into the kitchen and could see Carina's sadness, so she went and gave her mamma the largest hug that she could muster. When Carina scooped her up into an embrace, Sarah wiped the tears gently from her mamma's eyes.

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