Chapter 4- Jack the Ripper Pt 1

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I was invited on a visit to London by Ciel thinking it would be good for me to be out of of the manor which i quite agreed. I sat beside my brother who was drawing the horses. From the busy streets of London to a quaint little chateau i found it was picturesque. "This is a lovely place milord, I'm sure it will be peaceful" i told him when he got out of the carriage. We went inside and upstairs to find the parlour a mess with Lau and Madame Red looking for tea, i saw Grell behind the sofa.

They called Ciel the queen's guard dog and that he was in London following a new scent. The term "queen's guard dog" i have heard before among the humans but they never said who it was, now i knew it was Ciel. I listened realizing the Queen requested Ciel's presence in London to investigate the "Jack the Ripper" murders. They explained that a man was killing prostitutes in the East End of London resulting the murders to be brutal and horrifying and Ciel was to put a stop to it but Madame Red and Grell remained quiet throughout this talk. I wondered why.

I accompanied Ciel, Lau, Madame Red and Sebastian to where the latest murder was, everyone was whispering about the murder but a few people were staring at me and whispering about how i looked, after smart talking the Scotland yard Ciel led us to a funeral parlor that was run by someone he knew and someone that might give him more insight on the murders. We walked inside and after the owner tried scaring us, he came out of a coffin he wore a grey robe with a matching hat white long hair, eyes that were covered by his bangs but it didn't hide the long scar on his face i also noted his voice was creepy "i want to know more about the corpse of the latest Jack the Ripper victim" stated Ciel "to do that, i will need the gift of laughter to loosen my tongue" the Undertaker told us. 

After a few failed tries, Sebastian ordered everyone out and to not listen under any circumstances "you aren't gonna try that joke? are you?" i asked half scolding, Sebastian just smiled and winked at me "gah your impossible my brother, i wonder where you get those jokes i really do" i stormed out of the funeral parlor exasperated with Sebastian. A few seconds later the Undertaker's laughter shook the sign above the door off. The door opened "come inside he's ready to talk" Sebastian told us.

The Undertaker explained that the bodies that had come in had the uterus removed gently and surgically while the other parts were gruesomely taken out, we had left the parlor, my brother went to find a list of suspects after he jumped from the moving carriage promising them he would meet them at the chateau later. As promised when we got there Sebastian was there brandishing the lists of suspects and narrowing it down to a Viscount Druitt. 

They told me they were lucky enough to have me there as a spare or else Ciel would of had to dress up like a woman. The plan was simple, have the Viscount take me to where ever he was having his secret meetings i volunteered to do this.  I was put in a silver Victorian corset gown my silver hair curled so i would be the beautifulest thing outshining all the others. We walked into the ballroom and with my demon gaze i saw him right aways, Sebastian did as well but the others did not. Madame Red loving the lavish attention

I went over to the Viscount when the dance was going on i had eyes on me the whole time "Hello my lord, i have been waiting to speak with you" he was handsome i suppose with blond hair and lavender eyes wearing a white outfit "of course my little dove, you are exquisite if you don't mind me me saying so" he picked my hand up and placed his lips on it looking deep into my eyes "i was wondering if you could take me away from this I'm tired of the party even though it is grand" i looked at him from under my lashes making my voice sound innocent "why of course my little dove come with me" i followed him to a brown door "i hope you like this room i find it entertaining" as soon as i was inside something was making the air thick and hard to breathe some kind of chemical "damn it" i passed out last thing i saw before i saw black was the viscount's evil smile.

I woke up in a cage people gathered wearing masks, Druitt was wearing a mask as well as his assistant "come now ladies and gentleman for your delight i present this delightful little dove, she is radiant with such a unique hair color if you don't like her as a whole, sell her for parts ill start the bidding now" Druitt started as felt my eyes glow, Sebastian was there in seconds making everyone pass out "that was close Selcura" "i agree Sebastian that was a little too close" we met the others outside where the police have been notified. 

The morning paper stated that Jack the Ripper killed another woman, Ciel felt he failed thinking that the viscount was the one who did it but it turned out he was innocent. Sebastian stared at his young lord and i had a feeling he knew who the real culprit was behind the crimes 

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