Chapter 17- Endings

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Sebastian had me and Ciel sit down in a row boat and we headed towards the unfinished Tower Bridge where Ashe was waiting. We noticed human souls were pushing at the walls of the bridge when we climbed up the tall ladder.

We saw Ashe at the top "why did you kill the Queen?" Ciel demanded "she lost vision of the future as she was stuck in the past so i had no other choice but to purify her" Ashe answered, Ciel was set down on a metal box.

"This seat is uncomfortable but it will give you the best view" Sebastian told him "ill look out for Ciel" i told my brother and he nodded "and now your orders?" "Sebastian i order you to kill the angel" "as you wish my lord" Sebastian bowed 

Ashe made a sign in the sky that allowed the souls of the dead to fuel his own power making him more powerful but still Ashe/Angela wanted Sebastian to join his/her side but when the angel attacked Sebastian she/he took off Sebastian's arm making me scream in agony gripping my arm where a line of blood formed 

"so that's your sister, and she takes all the pain for you interesting but it will make it more fun to make her suffer through your pain" Ashe/Angela mused which made Sebastian even more angry 

something was happening to the sign in the sky and i thanked mentally the reapers for stopping Ashe from gaining more power but then he tried calling Pluto but he failed knowing the demon hound was dead thanks to the servants. That made Ashe angrier and attacked knocking Ciel to the ground.

Sebastian then went over to Ciel "i need you to close your eyes" Sebastian asked of him "why?" Ciel asked him "because i am your butler and i don't want to tarnish the way you think of me" Sebastian answered and Ciel did as asked while Sebastian stood up "now you'll see my true form" as his eyes glowed i stayed with Ciel while he advanced on Ashe as he transformed into his true form.

I cannot tell you what his true form is but i always made fun of the women's high heel combat boots he wore. As Ashe was freaking out about Sebastian he was getting destroyed and Ciel was hanging for dear life after he was knocked almost off the bridge. "Master? can you hold on for the count of ten?" Sebastian asked Ciel who said yes as Sebastian begun to count down from ten.

Ciel fell though after the final attack when Ashe was destroyed Me and Sebastian both jumped after Ciel who's cinematic records burst forth we all landed in the river. After we were all OK, Sebastian put Ciel in a boat and i climbed in as we begun to sail down the river i looked at the top of the bridge and noticed Ashe was petrified therefore completing it

We were going towards an old ruin on a deserted island far away from London i was scared but i realize the moment i had been waiting for since i arrived in London all those months ago was gonna come to pass and ill take Sebastian back home with me no matter what.

Ciel's cinematic record was being played in the water as we approached the island and a flower ring floated towards us, it had the scent of Elizabeth and her maid Paula on it and i knew right then Paula must have made the ring.Ciel plucked it out of the water i paid no attention to what my brother and Ciel were speaking of.

When we landed on the Island i looked around silently and turned to Ciel "well i suppose this is it goodbye Ciel" i teared up as i hugged him "try to be as gentle as possible" i told my brother and he nodded before picking up Ciel and walking away with him i couldn't hold back my tears i silently ran after them and hid behind a tree. Sebastian would be too distracted right now to take notice of my presence.

As Sebastian took away Ciel's eye patch and leaned in to take Ciel's soul a gloved hand covered my mouth and grabbed me by the waist i tried screaming but whoever it was made me pass out my only sense was telling me i was being kidnapped but by who? i had a feeling i knew who.

((A/N ok this is the end of the first book, im sorry this one was painfully short Book 2 is now out it is called In His Web its completed i hope you enjoyed this one))

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