Chapter 1 - Flower patch

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Your eyes glimmering at the sight of your patch, the menagerie of flowers, vegetables and fruits giving you a sigh of content.

You absolutely adored the Avengers, but sometimes they were too chaotic for your liking. One time, Tony shoved an ice cream down your head; apparently he thought you were your sister, Wanda.

There was this other unforgettable moment when Thor came in with a sack of potatoes, he thought he needed that much to make soup.

Now, you stood in an orderly farm. Your animals had came out to play, enjoying their time as you had strict rules for them. You couldn't help it, with order magic you wanted you keep everything in order.

As your paint brush hits a canvas, a large beam hits the middle of your patch. Another alien event? No-we've already rid of that.

Bolting to your used-to-be beautiful field to see a man-no, a prince. God of my farm. Now, what a normal day.


As Loki toss and turns in a plush bed with grunts and groans tossing out his mouth, his head pounding as he hears soft murmuring from outside.

The room was clean, spotless, shining..well, whatever kind of taste this person had was dull. It was a blinding white, the books arranged through colors and everything was symmetrical.

There, enters a fair maiden. Her hair flowing slightly as her hands sway with her magic, a tray she carried. Food placed in an orderly fashion as her eyes focused on a newspaper.

Her newspaper drops at the sight of me awake, with a nod; the food floats to my lap. She leaves right after that moment, Loki felt shock, fear, confusion?

Well, shock because the maiden he chose to escape to had powers. That looked incredibly powerful than his.

Fear? She's a stranger, why wouldn't he felt a slight fear. Her face looked emotionless as the food floats to him.

And finally, confusion. Why would she tend his wounds, does she not know who he was? Was she not afraid of him? The others were, some were enraged to see him.

She came back with supplies to tend the wounds Loki didn't even know he had, as she sat beside him he tensed. He tried to move another direction, only to see his hands were now handcuffed with magic

She smiled, "Another man falling from the sky, how precious." She said, dipping the cloth into water. Applying it to my wound, to now he realizes he was shirtless.

"And look who it is, another witch," Loki's expression turned into a snarl, watching as the maiden's smile never faltered. "Do you not know who I am?" He asks.

She chuckles, "Oh, I know," She starts, "But if you wanna stay hidden, you have to behave."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Loki asks, about to use his magic to no avail. The cuffs canceled out magic, "Who are you?"

A white mist surrounds Loki's neck, applying pressure as he yelps with the sudden force.

"Trust me, darling," She spoke, the mist disappearing from his neck, "If you want to survive, it's better to not piss me off." She smiles, wrapping Loki's torso with bandages.

"What do I have to do to get these," He shakes his wrist showing the white hue, "Away from me."

She ponders, pouting; "Hm, make me trust you," She answers, "Wait, nevermind..I have a better idea."

She stood up, opening the sliding window. She uses her magic, the sky turning pure white for a minute.
A dome surrounding some land as she smiles and slowly closing the window, walking back to the side of the bed.

"If you try to escape, you will unfortunately," She crosses a finger to her neck, "Die." She smiles.

"You are insane," Loki hisses, she shrugs in return. With a flick of her wrist, he was out of containment.

"Insanity is my greatest trait." She said, walking away from the room. Leaving me alone in the bed as Loki ponders an escape plan.



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