Chapter 28 - I am Inevitable

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The van explodes, causing Carol to stagger behind and drop the gauntlet. Now, it was a race to get the gauntlet.

Strange steadies the water overflowing, fixing that problem as he moves to another.

Stark spots the gauntlet, crawling to it but Thanos spots him; swatting him away, leaving Stark passed out.

Thor arrives with his hammer in an attempt to pin down Thanos, with the help of Steve.

But they were easily overpowered by Thanos, who was able to knock them out with ease.

Thanos picks up the gauntlet, only to be punched by Carol while he still held the gauntlet. She kept hitting hard hits, though her arm was taken by him; getting flinged away.

Thanos wear the gauntlet, though in the middle of taking in all the power; you intervened.

You raise your hands, revealing several blades of magic formed on your back. Hitting him only for him to dodge it with the power stone.

You tackled his hand, trying to keep his fist open as he gave you a look. Your face trained into a scowl as you almost brok the gauntlet.

Though, before you could do anything else; he took you by the leg. Throwing you away.

Loki removes the sword off of the enemy, wiping the blood on his armor as he spots Strange looking at him.

Strange lifts a finger, making Loki's mouth slightly agape at the idea. But quickly closing to run after Thanos.

Loki moves his direction to move to Tony who was struggling to get up, "I need to borrow your suit."

"What?" Tony asks, spitting away blood.

"I need it, it's the only way." Loki pleads, Tony gave him some moments of silence before he was covered in his suit.

"Goodluck, don't leave us after you do your plan." Tony gave him a weak smile as Loki nods.

As Thanos shouts at the power coursing through him, he was interrupted by Loki's attack.

Holding him by the hand, pulling it as his last attack. Though, Thanos punched him away; sending him crashing at a rock.

Thanos chuckles, you watch as he did. Struggling to stand up as you feel a stinging pain on your side.

"I am inevitable." As Thanos said that, silence erupts the whole battlefield; as if the world revolved him.

Snap, his fingers went. But nothing happened, leaving confusion to twist his face as yours did the same.

Hearing some cracks behind him, Thanos sees Loki with the stones. On his knees as the colored rocks reach each knuckle.

Loki absorbs the power, glancing at you, but quickly moving back to Thanos who looked defeated.

"And Odinson." And Loki snapped his fingers, causing a huge wave pass through the field.

And for a second, all you saw was white. It was blinding, but after a second you were back.

You check to see Thanos sitting down on a rock, his body fading away as his army does the same.

Though, no cheers were celebrated but an eerie silence. Everyone's head perked towards Loki who's back was leaned onto a tree.

You ran to him, your other hand on your side as you leaned next to him.

The rest gather around, listening intently to what he was going to say.

Half Loki's face was burned, his arm was limp as the stones were still on them.

"God, stay with me now." You said, caressing his cheek. Some tears falling down, "You've worked so hard to get to me, don't..don't leave." You choke out.

Though, he chuckles. "Darling, I'm not gonna die." He said, "Look."

You look to your hand intertwined in his, healing slowly. You gave a breath of relief, leaning your forehead on his.

"I'm so glad you have those healing abilities." Loki whispered, his other hand holding the back of your neck.

"He's fine." Tony announced, making cheers erupt all around.

You two kept silence, tears of joy falling down from your cheeks. "Never do that again, you idiot." You mumble.

"I won't, don't worry." He smiled.


God, I cant believe I'm almost finished with this

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God, I cant believe I'm almost finished with this.

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