Chapter 11 - Candles and roses

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Walking back home, the leaves crunching beneath your foot, the birds singing their last song for the night. The moon greeting you with it's lovely features.

As you enter the dome, you were greeted by petals scattered on the floor. Candles on each side as it leads to somehwere.

You smiled as confusion hits you, a woman with white hair came to you; Your other side a black-haired man.

"Hello..?" You ask, slightly dazed from the confusion as they point to the path.

"I'm Yang, Mr. Loki has a suprise for you," The white-haired woman, Yang, spoke up as she nudges you lightly to walk towards the path.

"And I'm Yin, he's pretty excited to show you this," The black-haired man, Yin, pushed you with much more force.

"Alright.." You mumble.

Following the path of roses with a light coming brighter and brighter, music ringing through your ears as you get much more excited.

You smile, spotting Loki standing by a candle light dinner. A small smirk along his features as he walked to you.

"Do you like it?" Loki asked, intertwining your arm in his, "I made sure to get all the food you like," He adds, a snap of his fingers the table was filled with food.

"I love it!" You exclaim, gawking at the mouth-watering sight; "What's with this sudden meal?"

"I-I just wanted to treat you," He said, scratching his neck; "I must tell you something aswell."

"Oh? Then what are we waiting for?" You smiled, gently nudging his side.

He chuckles, anxiously. Leading you to the candlelight dinner he made, pulling a seat for you.

He sat in front of you, taking something from underneath the table. He hands you the large bouquet, white lace to hold them all together.

"F/f? How did you know I liked these?" You ask, sniffing the flowers.

"I just-lucky guess," He stammers, "I didn't plan to get this far.." He mumbles.

"So, about that meeting with Fury," You start, making his head perk to you in an adoring manner; "You're officially an Avenger!" You clap as he gives you a shocked expression. "I'm pretty sure it's better than risking you to torture," You laugh.

"An avenger?" He asks, seeing your sullen expression; he recoils, "I-I appreciate it, Y/n. But..does Midgard want me? Even after.."

"I mean, you are a changed man, right?" You asked as he nods timidly, "Then yes, Earth would want you," You twirl your fork within the pasta. "Though, I have to be training you aswell."

"What for? I'm sure I'm better than you in several aspects," He smirks, rolling your eyes playfully.

"Hm, guns, bows and arrows and cooperation with the team? Are you better than me on that?" You ask, propping your head on your hand.

"I'm sure it will all be easy," Loki retorts, gaining a wave of confidence.

"Oh?" You ask, eating your pasta as he does the same. Keeping his eyes on you as he did.

"Y/n.." Loki starts in a slow tone.

Swallowing your pasta, you smile; "Loki.." You copy his tone.

"I have something very important to tell you, well not very important. It's something I need to get out of my chest, it's about you and-" Loki rambles, stopping himself when he sees your amused expression.

"I have never seen you talk so much, tell me then?" You lean closer, the God gulping in frustration.

He looks left and right, seeing the trio watching them intently with wide grin.

"I-I.." He leaves his mouth open and closed repeatedly like a fish.

You laugh, "Come on, spit it out."

"Well," He starts again, you lift an eyebrow. "I fancy-"

A large weird, loud ruckus came from away the candlelight. The trio watching breathed a sigh of frustration.

Glancing at Loki who had a slightly relieved expression, hearing the ruckus once again you finally stood.

"I need to go check that," You said in an apologetic tone, waving as a bid goodbye.

The trio comes running to Loki, well, not Ainsley; he just walked with his brows knitted in frustration.

Yin slapped the back of Loki's head, causing a yelp from the God who looked at him with anger.

"What was that for?" Loki asked.

"Why did you ramble, you idiot," Yin slaps his face.

"How is that my fault, I'm nervous." Loki retorts, slightly slamming his hand on the table.

"God, you better tell her once she comes back." Yin points at him, hitting his forehead.

"I will."




The trio hid somewhere once they heard your footsteps getting larger.

"Loki, look who's here!" You exclaim, running to him with a mysterious man by your side.

"Who's this?" Loki asked, standing up from his chair.

"I'm Pietro, her brother," He lends a hand, ehich Loki takes with his mouth wrung open.

"Y-you have a brother?"



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